Stage 2: The Cake Is A Lie

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Tuesday, January 30, 2020,

The following morning, you awaken with Simon at your side, snuggled in bed next to you. You are tucked in lovingly by him as his arm is wrapped around you, his soft hand caressing your back. You were the early bird, eager to prepare for morning classes and their imminent start in a mere two hours, and your senses awakened by the faint scent of cheap perfume on the sheets and comforter that you noticed, though you opted to ignore it given its weak intensity.

You move out of bed with careful and soft steps to avoid waking up Simon and prepare for the new day ahead. You proceed to the bathroom to begin your skincare routine and wash off the scent of sex.

Minutes roll by, as you take care of your skin by using various products such as face mask cream and rinse it off your face with warm water after the face mask application.

As you dispose of the used tissues, your attention is caught by something you find odd. Tied-up used condoms and a series of discarded golden Trojan Magnum condom wrappers were placed atop the old tissues and crumpled product boxes in the trash bin. Your mind is clouded and frozen in shock when you notice the condoms. You and Simon have never utilized condoms. NEVER.

"W-What the hell," you murmured, grabbing a fresh tissue to prevent yourself from gagging at the grotesque sight in front of you. Examining the condoms more thoroughly, you conclude that they belonged to Simon, though he used them with whom and at which time remains a mystery.

"N-No, no, no," you stated while shaking your head, your disbelief mounting with each passing moment. You glance at the condom in your hand, then at the trash bin, feeling yourself come undone with the reality of your situation.

"S-Simon," you call out softly, stepping into the connected bedroom, desperately hoping it would not be true but knowing the signs were evident that something sinister had occurred behind your back.

Suspense has built in the bedroom as Simon remains oblivious to your suspicions, lying on the bed while watching some funny reels on his phone. He jolts to attention when he hears your voice with tense concern coursing through his body.

The condom in your hand is a visual reminder of his cheating, and the tension is nearly palpable. Hot tears have already begun flowing down your cheeks and ruining the skincare you applied prior, yet it matters not in the moment of hurt and betrayal that has taken over.

"What is this?" your words ring out forcefully and angrily, piercing the tense air and setting your anger ablaze in your chest.

"WE NEVER USE CONDOMS, SO WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" you shouted and hurled the condom with as much strength as your anger permitted you, slapping him with the condom directly as you let out a shriek of pure outrage and hurt.

Simon's expression didn't flinch as you flung the used condom towards him. He looked at it and back at you with his expressionless face.

"I forgot to throw these out," he said with a nonchalant tone as he stared straight at you with cold eyes.

"The fuck do you mean you forgot to throw those out?" your hands have now balled themselves into fists, and you have begun shouting at the top of your lungs, directing your anger at him and all of the evidence before you.

Narcissist| Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now