New Hire

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threw this together x_x featuring sarai shane, who is working undercover at blakk industries. she belongs to aria.terramoon (insta) / ariaterramoon (tumblr)


It was taking Sarai Shane a bit to settle into her new role at Blakk Industries.

There was the typical new hire stuff, like not knowing where to find the break rooms, not knowing which bathroom was the cleanest, and not knowing the quickest routes through the building.

Then there were issues specific to Blakk Industries. Loose ghouls biting your ankles when you were trying to eat lunch. Particularly deadly employees giving you evil side glances when you dared to make eye contact with them in the halls.

But on top of all that, there were issues specific to Sarai, who, unlike anyone else in the building (that she was aware of), was not actually loyal in any way to Blakk Industries. She was an actor on a very dangerous stage, and she was still settling into her role.

As much as she hated to admit it, she knew her appearance helped. She was young, she was short (shorter than average, at least), and looked overall unassuming. Sarai knew how to shrink down and hide her eyes under her dark brown bangs, masking her observance with nervousness. Even in her dark gray and red clothes (luckily not the standard-issue grunt uniform), she didn't look like a threat.

She was no professional actor, but she liked to think she was doing pretty well, all things considered.

Like today, for example. She was navigating Blakk's citadel like someone who'd been born there. Sarai couldn't let her pride show, but she knew she was getting better at this, and she was already finding herself in positions where she could gather intel.

Internal communications in the building were temporarily down. The reason why was still being debated among Blakk Industries personnel. Some said a Thrasher had chewed through important wires (possible), while others were convinced the head of communications got caught up in a raid by the Shane Gang (not as possible).

Since Sarai was low on the seniority list, she was one of the workers whose day was now dedicated to running messages around the citadel. The first two errands hadn't been anything special. One request to fix the air conditioning on assembly line 2B and a notice to the personnel supervisors that third shift needed more safety goggles.

This third message, though, was on a tablet that Sarai couldn't access. The screen said it had to be unlocked via fingerprint. She'd already tried, knowing if it set off any security alerts, she could say she must have held it in such a way that her thumb had accidentally rested on the fingerprint scanner. But whatever clearance it needed, it was higher than Sarai's. So she was stuck delivering the message, unsure of its importance, to someone she hadn't had the misfortune of getting up close with yet.

Sarai paused when she reached the door of her destination. She took a deep breath and shifted around, slipping into the particularly un-noteworthy character she played. Then she opened the door to Training Room 3.

There were only two people in the area. Part of the floor was padded, and had padded walls around it, but the duo were on the normal vinyl floor that offered no protection. One of the people was someone she was unfortunately already becoming familiar with. Twist, with his golden hair, tan skin, and narrowed teal eyes as he sparred with the girl in front of him.

Sarai hadn't met the girl formally yet, but she'd caught glances of her in the halls and heard frightened whispers from some of the other lower-ranked employees. Unfortunately, it was the person she was here to see: Dana Edwards.

The girl had ghostly pale skin and brown hair streaked with scarlet. Her eyes were red, too, and were narrowed in focused rage as she exchanged blows with Twist. She wore dark gray pants and a red shirt. Their blasters and bandoleers were laid on a bench along the side of the room. They must have been focusing on hand-to-hand combat. Twist lunged forward and grabbed Dana by the forearm, flipping her over his shoulder and slamming her down on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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