S Z NFOUR - Episode 2: I Had A Dream

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"Smoke myself into an oblivion is exactly what the hell ima do", I said to myself.

I walked over to my room to grab my weed paraphernalia. I still had all my stuff in the room, I didn't feel comfortable asking to move it into his. Even though we did sleep together every night, I feel like if he wanted that he would've asked. I did unpack and put my clothes into the dresser though, living out of bags gets really annoying.

I grabbed my stuff, walked back out to the living room and threw it down on the coffee table. I lit the almost finished bath and body works candle before going into the kitchen and turning on the kettle. He had an array of teas, all different flavors but peppermint was always my go to. I grabbed a clear glass mug and waited for the water to finish boiling. He was wrong, I didn't mind being alone. I just really enjoyed his company.

"I wonder what else he has in that safe", I thought out loud. I knew he had a gun but I didn't know he had more than one in the house. And that one looked heavy duty compared to the usual one he brings with us on occasion. I wonder why he felt he needed it if he's just going to the club with Paris and them.

I screwed up my face at the thought of Paris, if she wasn't such a "daddy's girl" I would've had her number and been able to ask her. But it seems like she's having a hard time digesting that our roles are different.

I shook my head, trying to erase all the thoughts I had out of my mind of them. If he's out with her and not me, it's business. Live bitches aren't the only ones that see having a white girl as a sign of wealth and power. Niggas see you have a live white girl and know you're bout your money. He was grown and could handle himself anyways, stressing over it wasn't doing anything. I poured the hot water into my mug and the refreshing mint flooded my senses. I walked back over and got comfortable on the couch. I turned on netflix before I started to grind up my weed.

"What should I watch, what should I watch?" I asked myself out loud. My voice echoed in the empty condo, reminding me I was alone.

"Ouu the Devil Wears Prada is on", I shouted gleefully. I threw on the movie and finished rolling my spliff.

This was one of my favorite movies. I personally thought she turned into a bad bitch once she fell into her job. From the beginning of time women have been sacrificing being their best selves for the sake of love or men I should say. Men can become their best selves, and are encouraged even. They don't ever lose pussy, they actually gain more. But let a woman become the baddest walking version of herself and watch her viable options dwindle. Men hate feeling inferior and they know, ain't nothing more powerful than a woman standing IN her power.

I finished smoking my spliff and ended up falling asleep on the couch.

I woke up, on the floor in the middle of nowhere, panting. I looked around to see I was accompanied by a thick green forest. I could hear a stream running and interacting with the rocks somewhere. I got up from the ground and wiped off my hands. I looked around frantically trying to understand what was happening and where I was.

"Bam?"I called out as I stepped forward.

"Anyone?", I shouted out into the trees.

"What the fuck is happening? Where am I?", I yelled out in frustration.

The hair on the back of my neck stood erect, my pulse started intensifying and my palms began to get moist. My body was alerting me, something was either happening or about to happen and I needed to get ready. I whipped my head around, looking from all angles for the incoming danger.

"It better not be a fucking bear", I spit out venomously.

All of a sudden, I heard "run". I ran through the trees, bare foot and frantically looking back for what was chasing me. I couldn't see it, but I could feel my body becoming more and more defensive, I was under attack. I pushed through low branches, and with each sharp beat of my heart my feet hit the ground.

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