Chapter 3 ~ The Hospital

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Mike and I entered the hospital doors and there was a lady at the front desk. Mike walked up to her and leaned against the desk

"What room is Vincent in" Mike asked

"Umm we have a lot of Vincents in this hospital could you be more specific" She said almost laughing

"Um pervert, completely purple, etc. etc." Mike replied

"Oh that one, the one that grabbed my butt" The lady was clearly annoyed "Room 307" She said "Level 8 in the left wing" She added. Mike and I headed to the elevator when someone shouted

"Hey Mike" It was Jeremy as I found out "Can I come with you" He asked

"Wow you didn't stutter" Mike said pleased

"O-oh" Jeremy said mike put a hand on Jeremy's head and we headed up to Vincent's room. The elevator was small so we were squished. When we got out of the elevator I realized we where in the intensive care unit. Was it really that bad, I thought to myself. We found our way to Vincent's room and I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him. There were tubes going in and out of him and he had a band aid thing wrapped around his head leaking blood. I felt sick but Jeremy made me feel better

"I-its o-okay (y/n) h-he I-is okay" He said I nodded and walked in and Vincent was awake and watching tv.

"Hey" I said and Vincent smiled

"H-hey" He said his voice was groggy and he was so quiet. But his smile made me smile too, he grabbed my hand and kissed it I blushed 50 shades of red. Then a nurse walked in, he didn't let go of my hand. He squeezed it, and growled at the nurse

"Hey Vincent how are we doing today" She asked she seemed very nice I don't understand why Vincents hated her.

"Get your needles away from me" He said, oh he was afraid of needles. Well so am I but I can stand seeing them I just hate them being in me (DO NOT THINK DIRTY). The nurse turned around with a needle in her hand and Vincent winced and squeezed my hand tighter. It hurt, but it was okay I didn't care.

"Now you know Vincent this will help ease the pain in your head" She said

"I don't care I hate the needles" Vincent closed his eyes and the nurse saw this as and opportunity to treat him she wiped the area clean with a rubbing alcohol wipe and put the needle in Vincent's skin. Vincent shrieked and the nurse finished quickly. "I hate you" Vincent said

"I know" the nurse sighed and walked out, when I looked at Vincent again he was, crying. I slipped my hand out of his grip and put my hand on his shoulder. Mike and Jeremy were at the waiting room getting food from the vending machine.

"It's okay I'm sure its for your own good, and to be honest I am not a big fan of needles either" I whispered the last part and Vincent laughed a little. I smiled and without thinking I kissed Vincent, he kissed me back. I pulled away and he smirked, then he became really sleepy and dozed off. I chuckled and walked out of the hospital room, and I realized that I am starting to fall for Vincent. I walked to the elevator and met Mike and Jeremy (OMG MY BFF IS FANGIRLING OVER JER JER) they had cookies in their hand and gave me one. I declined because Vincent tasted better REALITY CHECK I accepted and ate the cookie. Yeah it did the it was all in your brain BWAHAHAHHAHHAHHA. We headed to our homes and I felt a lot better about seeing Vincent I was going to go see him tomorrow.

I practically skipped to my car and Jeremy asked why I was so happy

"Oh no reason" I canceled my bubbly mood and walked back to my car and started it up. The music was turned down but I thought naw so I turned it up high and rolled down all of my windows. Why do I feel so happy, I am falling for a pervert. But he is a cute pervert, I guess.

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