New Story

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Hello to the people who actually want to read this horrible book I am making a new book because this book was rushed and I don't see it going anywhere. Thank you all by the way so the new and improved Vincent x reader will be called Vincent x Reader Cold Blooded Love that is going to be awesome I will update a lot more often and there will be no a/ns I will put those in the comments you may make up your own ending to this story but you will love the new book I am making see you there! 

dsvbhldlfadfaif hiodshf aihgiuahg iafvasdj kjasdhgaw9eur iuwah gkjag aiugsfiauhgoiauhf ajsdfjasg hvoi erhiuwefh sdnvkdjsfgva;ehf o aiwnfkajhvoaishv aebiovha09rfj awhnf kjghoiujvajfanv;ohv  g  ijrfanfdfkljv  afdojkv apwoe hgaoi

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