Three - I'll Leave The Door Unlocked

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"And how did that make you feel?"

       "Like shit," Kristine forced herself to keep her face neural at that remark, she looked to her patient and wondered just how far her friends child could stray from the man she knew. Clay Joshua Wilkinson had been a patient of hers for ten years now, though he'd been on and off depending on where he was since he'd been studying in Mexico for the last six years. He was a well groomed young man with the coldness of his father, his sculpted face looked almost squished while his shoulder length silky black hair waved down to his shoulders. He was in his usual attire of a shirt and dress pants, Kristine crossed her legs trying to take on the same smile which worked with Bernard.

        "CJ, watch your language,"

        "You asked," he said shrugging. "Your posters outside say to speak your mind with whatever language works for you. Saying that my father murdering my mother on Christmas Eve made me feel like shit should be alright by those rules. You know I'm only here for the pills and to check up on Raoul,"

        "Please CJ,"

        "You will never replace mami," CJ sat back. "You think sleeping with dad will make him love you, he's animalistic Kristine even I know that. He's like Raoul, he's trained that kid to be a fucking robot, he's not even human and I know you aren't very ethical so move your plastic ass to your computer and tell me the last time you saw him," he held back his smirk at seeing Kristine's eye twitch in anger. He, like Raoul, lived off hurting people that's why he chose his line of work.

       "I can't disclose anything,"

       "Oh, how about I pay for ten sessions in advance?" CJ pulled out their chequebook, no one used cheques anymore but he knew Kristine did. Almost five grand wouldn't make a dent in his account but it would buy information and he didn't care how much it cost as long as he got the information on his brother.

       "You know money doesn't bribe me," she sighed.

       "Drop the act then," CJ rolled his eyes putting his book away. "Get out of free card," he said. "No questions asked you come to me and say you need a favour I get every criminal I know to help,"

        "Wasting your time," her malicious smirk grew as she pulled out her phone, she knew damn well she hadn't see Raoul Dante Wilkinson since last year when he had a panic attack at school. No one else could calm him down so his grandparents rang her, she went down and his anger at seeing her took over everything else. She told CJ when she last saw him watching her frustration from earlier smack him in the face. "Is that all for today?"

        "No," CJ said a little too loudly, almost like a child. "I um... I have a boyfriend," Kristine's brows shot onto her hairline. "Can we unpack a little?" CJ looked up at her, she was about to respond when there was a knock at her office door, it was kicked open by a squishy croc attached to someone who looked like Santa Claus as a biker. Kristine could have swung for her husband as he froze dropping the box in his hands.

       "Cooee! Ah shit," his face dropped as he saw CJ sat there. "Sorry son ignore me, gan dey your feelings talk,"

       "No thanks Mr Ricci," CJ smiled. "I was just leaving, I like your scrubs by the way," they gathered their stuff watching as Franco bent down to pick up the box. He flushed as pink as his cotton candy coloured scrubs, his grey eyes focused on his pastel blue crocs with all types of pins in them.

       "Want a donut?" He asked sheepishly.

       "If you're offering," CJ laughed. "Kristine how did you manage to get him? A husband who not only after thirty years comes to visit you at work but brings you donuts? I wish I had that kind of love,"

The Murder HouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora