Ten - What Is Done Can Not Be Undone.

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       "Move man," Romani smiled despite his pain.

"You have to tell her," Declan said sitting sentry against the window. Romani glared at him but didn't speak, they had a fight once he was cleared because he didn't want to tell River about anything he found out and Declan demanded he did. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Declan felt like he was being watched but he knew there was no one else in this corner of A&E. He made sure Beau cleared it so they could chat alone and be impartial, but that was before their fight and now Romani refused to talk to him at all. He checked his phone and saw another string of furious texts from his babysitter, Bryony isn't that bad but her teenage babysitter doesn't like being told she has to stay late again. He text her where to find his kimchi fried rice and told her she can have fair game at his beers as long as she didn't leave any evidence behind or tell her mother. That seemed to quell her anger for a moment, then a doctor came in looking flustered as they checked some paper.

"Mrs Alvarez hello, my names Doctor Hughes, let's have a look at this elbow hm? Too much rollerskating isn't good Mrs A, trust me, take me from I mean you're what? Five years younger than me?" To the actual Mrs Alvarez that was a compliment, considering she was a seventy eight year old woman with two new hips. Blue looked up dropping the papers in their hand when they saw Romani sitting there, "oh my gosh what's happened? Have you been seen? Of course you haven't you're names not even on the system,"

"It is," Declan spoke.

"There's no Romeo Byron, Officer,"

"There's a Romani Russo," he challenged. Romani looked between the two he'd never seen Blue so riled up before. "That's him, Romani Russo, got a problem? Because you came in here thinking he was a Spanish woman,"

"I'm sorry I'm run off my feet, there's been a five car pile up rushed in, and about twenty people all needing care at the same time. We've had two code blues and we're short staffed. Forgive me for not getting it right he first time. I like to give my patients a little pick me up while I come in, it's often scary being here so having a ice breaker is nice,"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean—"

"Oh my God so that man with the crutches Cam was talking about was Fester?" Blue went in to explain how one of the security guards had already fought with a pale skinned Northerner four times in the last hour. "It's all everyone's talking about, who was your doctor?"

"Doctor Singh," Romani spoke.

"She's good, she'd done your father for years, hard as nails but she's your best shot here. Anyway! Let me just text Cam to let him know you're okay and to tell your family, I'm assuming you don't want visitors just yet?"

"How do I tell them?" He whimpered.

"Easily, I'll do it, all you gotta tell is the Wayne's. The band already know who you are," Blue said logically. Romani tried to think of it that way then managed a smile, they were right. "Do you want me to tell them or do you? I can withhold any information of all it. I can tell River or you can," they checked their phone. The text from Cam the security guard made them smile, apparently Fester was causing a scene. Cam named him 'the pale Northerner with the crutches'. "First of all, what do I call you?"

"Romani," his voice shook.

"Please," River pleaded from nearby. "Just tell is he's okay, a will sit out here all night a just need to know he isn't in pain. Please," Romani's face contorted at her faint voice. Blue reached out taking his hand in theirs, he saw nothing but strength etched onto their face, he tried to smile but couldn't knowing River was out there unsure.

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