France & Friends

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Alyssa demanded that her wedding dress should be bought in Paris, as though that's not the most cliche thing ever, no offense to anyone else. 

Reign decided to make the trip and I just tagged along for the ride, which is what has me seated across Aston Escoffier.

In some alternate universe, I am him and he is me. 

Our main difference is he's still afraid to take a shoe to face and well, we all know I took that like it was nothing, 

Rei and Lai were off probably terrorizing Allain Bellfontaine and Mateo, the poor bastards.

In truth, we were the poor bastards who had to deal with them 24/7. 

"And when exactly did you realize you liked Calais?" I ask the literal idiot in front of me.

"It's always been her for me, Asa. That's like me asking you when did you finally admit that you're disgustingly in love with Reign." He scoffed before taking a long sip of his piping hot coffee. 

"No no, I always had the guts to admit that I'm disgustingly in love with Reign, but you my friend have been doing more damage than good with the knowledge of your feelings. Stop picking fights Aston, it'll only push her away." I fight the urge to rub my temples. 

"Picking fights is all I can do Asa. She wants to go out and do Lord alone knows what with I can't bring myself to care who and I sit in Sunday mass wondering where my life went wrong. Hell I don't even know what happened between us." He pauses for a breath before continuing to use me as a therapist. 

"At least with you and Rei, you never had that awkward phase where you don't speak forever and then your entire dynamic changes. Hell, even during Tyler, you and Rei were in a better place than Calias and I right now," He drifted off, resting his head in his hands.

"So you're using the tactics of a five year old? Pulling her hair and hurting her feelings because you like her? Really?" I glare at the top of his hair, which clearly was in the same state as he was.

"What the hell else am I supposed to do, man? She makes it her duty to either ignore me, pick petty fights or make these stupid passive aggressive comments about me talking to or being with other people." His words came out low and I almost feel bad for him but I'm sure they'll work things out. 

"How about you stop whining and admit to both her and yourself that you've had feelings for her since the beginning of your existence? Or even better yet, how about you ditch the five year old tactics and try to apologize for all the dumb shit you've done since your birth and try to win her over like a normal person."  I pause, taking a deep breath.

"Normal, being the operative word in that sentence, Ash." I emphasize yet again. 

The distinct sound of their heels clicking against the tiled floor of the small cafe floor was enough to bring our conversation nearer to its end.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" His expression was pleading and again I almost felt bad for him, but for my wellbeing and my ability to have children I had to be on Lai's side. 

"You know her the best Ash, you'll figure it out. " I leaned forward to pat his shoulder. 

They got closer to where we sat and it was only then I noticed the blonde at Lai's side looking way too close for even my liking.

When Ash looked up, he noticed the other boy and he picked up his coffee before sitting next to me.

I didn't even notice I'd made space for him to sit next to me but suddenly, I was switching sides. 

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