Something's Strange (4)

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Demian slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way to the main building where the infirmary was located. 

He knocked on the door before opening it. The nurse, a plump beta woman with light purple thrown up into a messy bun, looked at him. She blinked wide, owlish eyes at him. "Do you need something?"

"Has a Remi Sato or Dane Willy stopped by here earlier in the day?"

The nurse shook her head. "You're the first person I've seen all day."

Demian's heartbeat became frantic. Why hadn't they stopped by here to get Remi any medicine? Did that mean Remi was feeling any better?

"Is there any way I can get a fever reducer? My. . .friend was supposed to come by and grab one but it looks like he didn't."

The nurse narrowed suspicious eyes at him. "Your friend? Is there any particular reason why they would need one?"

Demian hesitated, still standing in the doorway, before telling her what had happened during training earlier that morning.

The nurse got up from her seat while cursing out the instructor who was stupid enough not to send a student her way. She picked up a vial with a blue colored liquid in it. "Give this to your friend. Make sure he eats something with it."

Demian thanked her while taking the potion. He gripped the bottle carefully in his hands before making his way to the dormitory where Remi was living. He wasn't sure what room he was in but he could always ask someone.

He entered the building and found a few students in the lounge area. "Do any of you know which room Remi Sato is staying in?"

A thin boy with large wire-frame glasses answered him. "Room A27."

Demian flashed him a relieved smile. "Thank you." He then headed towards the staircase and walked up to the second floor, taking the steps two at a time. Heading down the large corridor, he scanned each door until he found the one he was looking for.

He knocked on the door, afraid to knock too loudly but was afraid that if he knocked softly then Remi wouldn't be able to hear him.

The door opened just a fraction and beady black eyes peered out between the crack. "What?" Dane's tone was sharp and curt.

Demian's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Wasn't this Remi's room?

He held up the potion. "A fever reducer for Remi. The nurse said that neither you nor him stopped by."

Dane eyed the bottle like it was some foreign creature before snaking a hand out through the crack to take it. "I'll let him know you came by," Dane said, surprisingly a little nicer.

Demian put his hand on the door before Dane could close it. "How is he?"

"Fine," Dane said between clenched teeth.

A sweet and fragrant scent assaulted Demian's nose just then. His hackles rose as he realized it was Remi's scent; roses, freshly cut grass, and sunshine. A fresh, wild and outdoorsy scent that completely matched Remi's vibrant personality.

"Why does it smell like him?" Demian growled, a vein pulsing in his neck. Pheromones this strong could only be smelled during heats, ruts, and sex. And since Remi was neither an alpha or an omega, that meant he had sex. And the only other person in the room was Dane.

Dane glared up at Demian, yes, Dane was shorter even if it didn't seem like it at times. "None of your business," his tone was completely rude and this time, Dane successfully shut the door on Demian.

Demian felt himself backing up until his back hit the wall. Was it really true? Was his first assumption right? Were Dane and Remi really a thing?

Demian's heart clenched and his fingers shook. That realization was extremely painful and one he had never wanted to come across. 

I'm The Male Lead, Not Another Love Interest (Webnovel)Where stories live. Discover now