The Hunting Trip (5)

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Demian opened his eyes with a start. The first thing he noticed was the warm body snuggling up to him. Remi was curled up against his side, one arm thrown over his chest while his face nuzzled Demian's neck.

Demian's heart stopped before beating double time and his blood ran warm. Why was Remi so close? He closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.

If he recalled correctly, the night grew chilly so they decided to push the mats together and throw both blankets over top. But that still didn't explain why Remi was sleeping on top of him.

He leaned up onto his elbows without disturbing the sleeping Remi. From this angle, Demian was able to breathe in Remi's scent better, both his natural smell and the scent of the homemade soap he had made using wild plants and berries. He brought a hand up and ran it through Remi's hair gently, finding it soft to the touch.

Why did he always find himself hanging around Lady Ophelia Rosewood when he was undeniably drawn to Remi Sato? He not only found the man physically attractive but also his inner self, or at least the parts that Remi had willingly exposed to him. And Demian loved that cocky smirk he wore when he talked about plant life.

Remi stirred, snuggling in closer. His face moved in just the right way that his lips touched Demian's bare skin. Bare?!

Right. Even though it was chilly, he took off his shirt in the middle of the night because he was afraid Remi would find the smell displeasing.

Remi's eyes blinked open. He peered up at Demian with a dazed, contented look. Demian couldn't help the smile that came over him. "Good morning."

"Mor-" before Remi could even finish his sentence, a shudder ran through both of them as a great wave of magic flooded the area. Just as quickly as it had come, it disappeared.

Remi jumped up with wide eyes. "Shit! I didn't know it was going to appear this early!" Appear? What had appeared and what was Remi talking about?

Remi ran out of the tent after grabbing his discarded dagger. Demian quickly pulled on his shirt and grabbed his weapon before following the panicking Remi. Ronni and Brendon were exiting their tent wearing matching expressions of apprehensive worry.

A shadow fell across the small clearing, blocking out the early morning light. All four of them looked up simultaneously. A large silver body of around three meters with a wing span of four. Demian felt his blood turn to ice as his mouth dropped open in an undignified manner.

"Is that a dragon!" Brendon screeched.

Remi shook his head, his gaze focused somewhere deeper in the forest. "A wyvern. It's smaller than a dragon with a lower magical capacity. It's also not as mentally developed."

"It's still close enough!" Brandon's breathing was rapid and his hands were twitching. He wanted to run but had nowhere to go.

"Let's teleport back. We need to let the knights know," Ronni was the voice of reason. He turned back to his tent, his long black swayed with his rapid movement. He came back out of the tent with the small red orb that the mage had given them just the day before. He held it out for everyone to touch.

Remi placed his hand in last. His eyes flicked back to where the wyvern had disappeared to. Demian was starting to worry that the beta was going to do something crazy.

"Redi-!" Remi removed his hand just as Ronni voiced out the first half of the word to activate the stone. "-tus!" Demian removed his hand just before the red light enveloped him.

"What did you do?!" Remi shouted when he saw that Demian had not teleported with the others.

"It looked like you were about to do something crazy," he flashed a grin that hid how utterly terrified he was at the moment. "I couldn't let you do it alone."

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