'..A Toaster?' {V x Uzi} {Part 1}

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It was a normal day in Copper-9, well, if normal was living on a frozen Exo-planet with no biological life and murderous drones trying to wipe out Worker drones

Within a Worker Drone colony that was protected by three large doors, a purple worker was asleep, this purple worker being Uzi Doorman. It was turning day time, which meant time for school.. God she hated school.. She was always seen as the weird emo one, every day was mocked by a worker drone with pink eyes and blonde hair, Lizzy.

An internal alarm rang through Uzi's head, she quickly slapped herself in the head, stopping the alarm. Uzi groaned, not wanting to get up. Though despite her own wishes, she sat up and began to get out of bed.

Uzi got herself ready, getting her book back and something she has been working on for a while. She was going to present it in front of her entire class. She created a Railgun! And named it the 'Sick as Hell Railgun!'

Uzi made this railgun because she thought it would help her and her colony stop hiding behind three large doors like cowards. She thought with this railgun, the Worker drones could fight back against the Murder drones that threatened to have them all exterminated.

Uzi wore her usual clothes, her grey jacket with a white battery and crossbones on it, her favorite band, Dead Batteries. Under her jacket was a purple shirt, and she wore her usual black boots. Uzi then finally put her Black and dark grey beanie over her dark purple hair and left her room

She ignored her dad, Khan Doorman, the leader of the WDF. She highly disliked her father because he was never their for her, always cared about his stupid doors more than his own daughter.

~{Time skip}~

It was now after school, Uzi nearly killed herself and her classmates with her railgun after the presentation. Thinking the Railgun was stable, she turned it on, and seconds later, it exploded. Somehow, everyone was fine, Uzi made a trip to the Nurse's and left for home.

She had a plan to complete her railgun.. Without it failing again..

Once Uzi got home, she checked if her father was anywhere inside. To Uzi's luck, he wasn't. Uzi walks into her room, taking off her school backpack and putting on an empty one after putting the Railgun inside.

The reason Uzi got the empty backpack was just incase she found something she might need in the future, or anything she might find cool enough to keep.

Little did she know..

She was going to find something much more valuable that can't just simply be put in a backpack..

Uzi exits her room, going to her fathers room. She checks if the door was locked, luckily, it wasn't. Uzi slightly opened the door and quickly grabs the master keycard.

After taking the Keycard, she closes the door and leaves the Doorman household. She quietly walks through the Worker colony, being careful not to draw attention to herself.

She gets to the first door, and opens it, only to reveal a worker drone with white eyes slightly taller than Uzi behind. His arms were crossed before he spoke.

'And where might you be off to?'

Uzi's mind raced, and she had to think quickly. She ended up saying what first came to mind..

'To make out with the boyfriend that I definitely have?'

Uzi put her arms behind her back and slightly moved back and forth, putting on a nervous smile.

Khan only chuckled slightly before his face turned serious.

'Seriously though..'

Uzi's mind raced further, thinking on a good excuse she may need to leave the colony's doors

'Ugh.. Fine.. I need to examine the exterior of door number one.. Its uhm.. For a class project! And I need to know how the hydraulics work!'

(Quick A.N, I'm trying to write this part like the pilot, but I'm forgetting a few bits so I'm just adding my own parts, don't bully my for being wrong please-)

Khan's serious face quickly turned into a big grin, he then turns around to the second door and presses a button. The second door opens, revealing four other worker drones sitting around a table, playing cards.

They suddenly look over as Khan yells over to them

'Guys! My daughter is into doors!'

the drones all cheer before one of them spoke

'Hey Khan? Could you get us another deck of cards? The numbers are so faded because we play cards so much!'

Khan laughs nervously, he walked to door number one, tapping the control panel with his card and it opened, the freezing cold air blowing in and hitting all their synthetic skin.

Uzi nervously walked toward the door and stepped into the snow looking back

'Yep! Heh, I love hiding behind three doors like cowards! Go doors!'

The large door then closed. Uzi sighed in relief, she turned around and began walking through the snow as it crunched beneath her boots.

Uzi walked for a while, spooked a bit by her kinds corpses everywhere but ignored the chilling feeling. She found nothing that interested her, nor the part she needed.

She then spotted a large cone-like structure. She walked closer, soon finding out it was made from corpses of worker drones.

This made a shiver go down her spine at the sight, but pressed on. She kept a watchful eye for any murder drones in the area.

Seeing none around, Uzi thinks she's in the clear..

But is unaware she was being watched..

Uzi entered the corpse cone, she began quickly searching for what she needed. She finds a bunch of junk from dead workers until..

A green glow emitted from inside a dead workers hand. It catches Uzi's eye. She walks to the corpse, kneeling down and grabbed the green cylinder from the hand


Uzi spoke. Just as she was about to put it in her railgun, she heard the sound of metal wings. Uzi quickly hid behind a car husk, grabbing a piece of glass to see behind her.

She angled the glass in many ways before she spots something..

A murder drone..

Uzi's purple glowing eyes hollowed out. The murder drone was hard to describe.. It was too dark. All that could be seen was the murder drones glowing yellow headband and syringe tail..


1071 words

Hello! I'd like to apologize if this isn't good or isn't up to your standards. This is my first book here on WattPad, so I just hope you like it!
I'm going to try and post at least once a day after school, mainly will post on school days, as I get too caught up in VR during the weekends, but I'll still try to post then!
Have a good day/night!

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