'Wish I could see your Beauty..' {N x Blind Uzi} {Part 2}

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N had to think. If he did pretend to be a worker drone for a while, then he could help the blind one in front of him. thought about the consequences if he pretended to be a worker drone. He wondered how it would be like one a few times.

N looked at the blind worker, debating if he should pretend to be a worker drone in order to help her. Then again, he'd have to hide from V and J, which they probably would be happy about.

But the urge to help the blind and injured Worker drone pushed away every consequence he could think of.

'Heh.. Sorry.. I though you were.. Uhm.. One of those flying sky demons..'

N said nervously. If the blind drone could display things on her visor, she might have raised a digital eyebrow.

'Flying sky demons? You mean murder drones, right?'

Oh! So that's what Worker drones call the disassembly drones! Neat, and accurate.

'Oh, uh yea! Sorry, I've uhm.. Just been out here for a while.. My uh.. Colony kicked me out a while ago..'

N could sense Uzi's concern, but he just smiles his innocent smile

'Anyways, My names N! What's yours?'

N's tail slightly went side to side, though he was completely oblivious to that.

'Uzi.. I'm Uzi'

Uzi! What a wonderful name! Least that's what N thought.

N soon noticed something. The sun was about to Rise! He needed to act quickly

'So uhm.. You need some help there? I see your bleeding a little and your visors broken..'

Uzi thought for a moment. Yes she was hurt, but was she going to trust someone random? Seems she doesn't have much of a choice.. Because it was either get help from this random "worker" drone, or try and survive on her own and probably get eaten by murder drones.

She sighs before slightly nodding, causing N to smile.

'I don't know if you want me to do this without asking.. But could I pick you up? It would be a bit faster and the murder drones are out at the moment'

Uzi looked at N.. Or.. well, thought she did. She was looking a little too far to the left. N just softly laughed to himself and moved to where she was facing (WHY AM I THINKING OF UZI AS TOPH FROM AVATAR AAAA-)

'Yea.. Sure'

N walked up to Uzi, a smile on his face and his tail still wagging slightly. He was gentle with her when he picks her up, then putting the smaller drone on his shoulders.

He looks up to her.

'You ready?'

Uzi was silent, but she nods in response, and N starts to walk to the closest building, which he had been in multiple times, especially when to get away from V or J if either were mad at him for whatever reason


N walked in the building, lanterns lighting it dimly and every window was covered. Multiple doors led to other rooms and a staircase were visible (Not to Uzi, lol)

N knew this place inside and out, V and J never found out about his little hideout, and he was somewhat happy with that.

He had a crush on V, but it kinda slowly died, as N knew the feelings were not the same, and were more of hate and not love.

N walked to a door and opened it and walking in the room. Whatever it was used for before was entirely repurposed, and was just a room with many things N found interesting.. And probably every other room had them also..

Though this room had a mattress with many blankets and a few pillows and a soft rocking chair nearby it. N gently set Uzi on the rocking chair.

'Im gunna heal your wounds.. You might feel a sting or a liquid on your arm and visor..'

Uzi nods


N kneeled down to get a bit more level, though he seems hesitant on what he's going to do next.

N then licked the wound on Uzi's arm that spilt oil, his saliva slowly healing it. N had also licked the oil off, which slightly cooled his systems.

He then moved to her visor, a yellow blush faintly appeared on N's visor. He was more hesitant than last time before he just did it.

He licked the crack on her visor, the healing saliva slowly doing its work as he backed up.


By now, Uzi was all healed of wounds. The sun was up so that meant N couldn't go outside till sundown.

Uzi was tired, and she ended up falling asleep in the rocking chair. N really didn't have much to do in this hideout, he'd have to find a way to fix that in the future.

But in the meantime, he sat on the mattress, zoned out. He didn't realize he was staring at Uzi as she slept


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