'Wish I could see your Beauty..' {N x Blind Uzi} {part 3}

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Quick thing! This chapter may contain low self esteem, some gore, and mention of self harm of our little boi! (And maybe a little self harm itself) This is going to be a (hopefully) long chapter to make up for all the weeks I missed! (This chapter also includes an OC, but they won't interfere with the ship because they technically are 9 years old)


Multiple minutes (or what N thought) passed before he realized he was staring at Uzi while she slept. He got embarrassed at himself for doing such a dumb thing.

He looks at the clock that was somehow working still, seeing that minutes didn't pass, but hours. Three hours passed, and he was zoned out while Staring at the worker drone

N shook his head before standing up, leaving the room to find something to do, because he was quite bored. He also needed so check something..

N walked to the Kitchen, which was decorated with many little things N found. He leans against the counter as he unrolled one of his sleeves.

Under the sleeves were scratches and scrapes on his forearm. And no, they weren't from fighting worker drones, V or J. These ones were cause by himself, at first, it was a bit painful, but the more he did it, the more he started liking the pain.

N sighed, taking a knife on the counter and holding the blade against his wrist. Swift and smooth cuts, leaving more scratches and scrapes.

He sets the knife down and unrolled his sleeve, he didn't cut hard enough to make him bleed oil or anything, but enough for pain that he seemed to enjoy.

He then exits the kitchen to go and occupy himself with something other than cutting himself.

N walked through the rooms before passing one he never went into, as it had multiple locks on it.

He walked up to the door, examining the locks. They were old and rusted, plus they were about to break off anyway. So he switched his hand to a claw, easily cutting the locks off.

His claw switched back to his hand, opening the door. It was a staircase leading down into darkness, though there was a light switch.

Though.. when N flipped it.. it didn't work at all. Fun! Totally not like he was scared of the pitch black while alone! (Fr me tho)

So, N switched his hand to a flashlight. ell.. a flashlight attached to the bottom of an SMG.. but close enough! He can see and shoot anything if needed!

N then began walking down the stairs, which were noticeably made of wood from how each step creaked.

The more N walked, the eerier it got. The concrete walls had a black liquid, which he assumed was oil from the faint smell, though, it was dry.. well, close to being dry.

Soon, the little corridor with stairs opened up. N aimed the gun to get the light everywhere, and he froze at a sertain object on the left wall.

It was a drone.. not any type of worker or disassembly drone.. there were reptilian in a way..

They seemed tall, probably 6 or 7 feet tall, clearly not powered on and chained to the wall. Many scratches and wounds All over, and clearly there for a while due to all the dust. Their head was entirely visor in the shape of a raptors head, dark blue metal spikes that went along the back of their neck, spine and tail.

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