The alliance party

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(I'm feeling so sad for plunger cameraman and dark speaker man right now because episode 70 part 3 is full of pain for me. Luckily in fictions anything is possible. So According to plunger cameraman and dark speaker man death in that episode or anything ahead till Dafuq really decides to end the actual series I will show that they will all be revived somehow and maybe Dafuq remade them back again for some other special reason for an other upcoming battle 5 years after the actual series end. So basically all the dead characters and future dying characters in the actual series will all be alive in my fiction and the women, special agents , titans and large people and other characters are all back here in this story :).

Back to our previous scene. As Santiago (scientist cameraman) came into an enormous dark room nothing can be seen except the bridge. He shouted to the titan if he was listening but camera titan didn't replied at all . As Santiago was thinking he is sleeping and turned around the other side. As behind him was a huge black creature raised behind him and it startled the scientist and he turned around frightened to see the titan which his blue cyan core was shining on the scientist making him look all blue.

Santiago: "Oh gosh camera titan you scared me".

Titan cameraman: "Sorry Santiago I scared you. you wanted to talk about something ?".

Santiago: "It's nothing serious, It's actually a good news , we are gonna have a party in the alliance for the war we finished off 5 years ago from the toilets. All the other alliance Titans and all people from the city are coming to visit our Headquarters and meet us. So we are just preparing and get ready for the upcoming party".

Titan cameraman: "So when will they arrive ? "

Santiago: " Tomorrow in the afternoon at 2 PM".

Titan cameraman: " Good , I can't believe we finished off G-man, scientist, the astro toilets and all those mutants 5 years ago, I feel that present time I was in like yesterday".

Santiago: "Yes. It feels like too. And your both friends Titan speaker man and Titan TV man are going to arrive , so be happy".

Titan cameraman: " No I can't be happy I need a woman, if you can't give me then I will run away with your wife".

Santiago: "Your joking right?". (As they both laughed)

Titan cameraman: "I have dudes in my life but sometimes I feel I wanted to have a woman like you have those beautiful tiny camerawomen you have for you tiny men. I know it's silly for a titan to think that but I am only telling you because you know me since years, but just never tell the alliance how I feel".

Santiago: "No you have me to keep your words a secret and why not? you are our titan and your thinking like that is totally fine".

Titan cameraman: 'Hey san, I had a dream of the Toilets last night and It felt very weird. And today is the anniversary of the toilets ending so it looks like my dream is meaning to this, but since morning my heart is telling me something is not feeling right. We had finished them all five years ago, so why I feel some sort of disaster ahead".

Santiago: "You must be overthinking Maison (camera titan's name) there is no sign of anything happening anymore and even the secret agent is satisfied from our work".

Titan cameraman: "Yes I know but still my heart is saying something is not going to be good for the future".

Santiago: "Ok titan if you feel that I understand,(tries to cut off his topic of the disaster) but now you be happy that all the children and families are going to see a massive size hero like you and be going crazy to see you. So my suggestion is that when they arrive you do a couple of poses to impress them".

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