Warning the Alliance

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(I am so excited for the people to now get into action. And now this is where the story begins to take its place. And yes please respect my ships I know many will disagree on my couple choice but let the person who is writing be herself and it's ok to ship them because they are fictional it doesn't matter how the relationship works, but I just prefer it and there will be a little 18+ content here.)

As the three ran towards the headquarters near the meadow. while inside the alliance HQ TV woman and TV man were inside the patient room. Sebastian  wanted to talk to Bethany TV woman in personal.

Tv man: "Bethany I have to talk to you a little bit about something".

TV woman "what is it Sebastian? tell me dear".

Sebastian: "it's actually nice that you really care for all these alliance members from the cameraman and speaker man, but I think you shouldn't be too close to them."

TV woman Bethany: "what are you talking about Sebastian?".

TV man Sebastian: "these people are not one of us so you shouldn't be trusting them. We TV people are better than them Superior to all of them.so why do we have to talk to these little s**** that way when they are nothing in front of the TV race."

TV woman:" Sebastian what are you saying? even you have two friends Kayden and Tony then why are you saying these things?".

TV man Sebastian:" I am friends with them but only for help or support in things or else I don't need them
myself is enough with the TV Alliance and you should not be going too close to them too. I understand that the female members of the Alliance is a bit better but I think it's not ok if you merge into these people ".

TV woman Bethany:" Sebastian you're saying this? this is  inappropriate, the camera man and the speaker man are nothing like what you're saying. they're very sweet and very humble have you seen elite cameraman and Simp cameraman those people are lots. They're really better than our TV race members".

Sebastian: " I  Think that Simp has really got you, did he?".

TV Woman: "What are you saying dear?".

Sabastian (TV MAN): " The way he lurks around you flirting and wants to touch you by the excuse of hugging you, I just don't like it".

TV woman: " I just can't believe it Sabastian that now your thinking dirty about simp!!! How could you?!!!".

As TV Man came to her holding his hand out and softly putting it on her cheek screen. 

Sabastian: " Because I love you". 

As he kissed her. TV Woman loved the warmth of her man's kiss. As TV Man Sabastian  closed the door of the patient room (the room in episode 70 full episode secret scene) and covered the room's window by the curtain leaving both TVs alone in private. As  he grabbed TV Woman in his arms and took her to the patient bed and throwed her on it. TV Woman began to moan and enjoy the pleasure she was about to have. Sabastian undressed her and did the acts with her body.

meanwhile At the party side Titan TV Man was sitting in a  titan size jakooze pool relaxing and drinking his cocktail.  Accompanied by the other two titans. As Titan speakerman and Titan cameraman were playing cards with Titan TV man enjoying the warm bubble bath in the jacuzzi pool.

Titan speakerman: "you can beat me this time Titan camera man".

Titan cameraman: "Will see about that".

As he dropped it on ace card on the 🛟 floaty that has their game running in the pool. As Titan TV man putted down two more Ace cards winning the match making the two titans annoyed at him.

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