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Rosie Park's toothy grin spreads across her face as she slouches back in her chair and exhales, "Freedom!"

Joy Park primly sits in her chair, rolls up to her desk, and raises her eyebrow at Rosie. "I have no idea what you're so excited about. It's not like you'll have much of a vacation."

"What? A couple of video conferences and an email or two? Sounds like a reprieve to me."

Joy snorts. "A couple of," her laughter increases, "video conferences? You wish!"

Rosie frowns and scrunches her nose. "Okay. I'll bite. What's the big deal?"

"I take it Jennie didn't explain the process to you?"

Rosie cocks her head and stares. "Oh yes, in great depth. She also answered all of my questions with the utmost patience and detail."

Joy narrows her eyes. "No need to be catty, Roseanne, seeing as I'm the only one who can help you."

Rosie sighs and leans forward on her desk, resting her head against her palm. "Okay, shoot. I'm all ears."

"When Jennie is required to go on business trips or even holidays, it might as well be as though you're tagging along with her. She demands her assistants be readily available at all hours. Are you prepared for that?"

"Sure. I mean, I'm pretty much on call at all hours for her anyway."

Joy snorts again and rolls her eyes as she feeds a paper into the fax machine. "Prepare yourself, Roseanne. Jennie is far more unpredictable when she's not in the office to watch everything that's happening."

"Unpredictable. Got it. What else?"

"You don't get it, do you? On one occasion, Jennie was on location in Australia. That fourteen-hour time difference means a great deal when she's prepared to video chat with you at eight o'clock pm her time."

"So...oh," Rosie says, frowning as the math works itself out in her head. "Does she have set times that she'll expect me to be sitting around my computer?"

Joy appears scandalized. "You do realize you're working for Jennie Kim, correct? You will leave your webcam on at all hours and she will alert you when she is available."

Rosie stares. "So she could watch me sleep?"

"As if she would!"

"That's kind of creepy."

"The only thing that's creepy is your imagination. Do be serious, Roseanne."

Rosie pouts indignantly. "I am being serious." She sighs. "Jungkook's gonna love this."

"And do make sure he doesn't pop up on video. Jennie loathes distractions. If she sees some scruffy boy nosing around, she'll be furious."

"He's not--hey, I can't help it if I have a live-in boyfriend."

"You could have Chris fucking Hemsworth and Jennie would be furious!"

"Okay, okay. I get it."

Joy chuckles knowingly to herself and answers the phone.

Rosie believes that her job is about to get much more interesting.


Heeding Joy's advice, Rosie moves her laptop to the farthest corner of her living room. No sign of Jennie yet.

Rosie sets an alert to sound when Jennie is at her computer and, pleased with her preparations, slouches on the couch. She hears Jungkook shuffling around in the bedroom. He's in a mood. It's the type of mood that she'd usually rectify with sex, or at least a blowjob, but she can't be bothered tonight.

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