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The rest of the day is spent making alterations to Jennie's itinerary. She is able to book another room at the Hotel Majestic. She chooses the cheapest of the rooms, unable to justify charging anything more than the standard classic room to the expense account. She doesn't tell Jennie that they're not adjoining rooms, but at least this one is in the same building. It could be worse, really. Rosie might not be going at all.

She's really excited to go to Spain. She's only ever been to England on a trip with her senior class in high school. It was scheduled down to the very last minute, so any chance to explore on her own had been revoked. It didn't matter; she had a great time.

She imagines this will be similar to her England trip; she can't imagine that Jennie will allow her the freedom to explore the city on her own. It occurs to her that she has no idea what role Rosie is playing in this at all. Will she be attending all of her work functions? Will she be kept in the hotel room?

Is she really only going so they can have sex?

At any rate, it doesn't matter. She's going. She'll work out the technicalities later.

She packs a little heavier than she needs to: because she doesn't know her role, she doesn't know what to wear. She packs as she would for any other business trip but manages to slip in a few sexier blouses. She packs only sexy underwear and a black dress that is both professional and sexy.

Rosie can't believe this is happening. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.


She does a frantic, last minute check of her luggage before Jennie's car is due to arrive. She has her passport, she has enough underwear to put Victoria's Secret out of business, and she has her toothbrush.

Her stomach grumbles nervously and she wishes that she had neglected the coffee. She hopes she doesn't end up getting sick.

The buzzer sounds. She presses the buttons, yells "Coming!," and bolts down the stairs with her things. Jaemin stands at the door and helpfully holds it open when she ambles through, juggling her purse and her suitcase. He retracts the handle and hoists it effortlessly into the trunk. He motions to open the door for her but she waves him off.

She nearly falls out of her seat when she realizes that Jennie is already in the car, peering at her over her sunglasses.

"Jennie! Good morning! I thought..." Rosie smiles shyly at forgetting Jennie's unpredictability. "How are you?"

"Perfectly well," Jennie replies. She pushes her sunglasses back up over her nose and stares ahead. She seems...distracted.

Rosie can't help but smirk.

The ride to JFK is silent save for Jennie asking about their hotel accommodations. She seems displeased about Rosie's room being on another floor altogether, but once they both realize that they're talking about hotel rooms and subsequently begin thinking about what may happen in those rooms, they fall silent.

Rosie takes the time to shoot off a few text messages. In her "ohmygodi'mgoingtohavesexwithJennie" hysteria, she all but neglected to inform everyone that she was leaving the country. She texts her parents, Lisa, and Irene. She can't hide the smirk on her face when she receives a response from Lisa: "don't let the dragon lady ride you too hard!"

The smirk is wiped off her face at the thought of Jennie on top of her, sweaty and breathless.

Rosie is saved from having to think about the details when they arrive at the airport. She and Jennie navigate with ease throughout the crowded building, making it to their terminal with time to spare. To her immense relief, there are several empty seats near the window. Jennie breezes past and takes a seat for herself, glaring at the empty runway.

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