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Rosie is still on edge after Jennie's show on the webcam of the previous night. To her immense lack of surprise, Jennie made herself scarce throughout the next work day. Rosie probably should have realized it in advance; her date book showed that Jennie's day would be filled with various appointments that would require her to be out of the office. She wonders if Jennie would have done her little striptease if she would have had to interact with Rosie the next day.

It's just as well, anyway. She saw her from afar only once and received instructions via text. Rosie was thankful for small mercies; it served as a cold splash of on her libido. She was actually able to get her work done.

She's glad that she doesn't have to deliver The Book tonight. She managed to convince Joy to take on the chore so that she could attend Lisa's birthday soiree. She has no idea what she'll have to give Joy in return, but she has the feeling that it may involve her soul on a silver platter.

As Rosie prepares to knock on Lisa's door, bottle of pink champagne clutched to her chest, she briefly regrets not telling Jennie. But what would she have said? "I'd rather go to my friend's house than do my job?" Or, worse: "I can't come to your house tonight because I might not be able to control myself from having sex with you in the foyer?"

But what if Jennie were to come downstairs to get The Book, ready to repeat the events of the previous night? What if she accidentally comes on to Joy because she expects Rosie?

Rosie panics and has half a mind to call her to warn her, but then stops herself. Jennie had made it clear, had she not, that she was not interested in pursuing anything in person with her. Her little stunt on the computer has proven that.

Rosie takes a deep breath and then raps her knuckles against the door. She should know better. Jennie is the smartest woman she knows. She's got eyes. Jennie will likely be pissed, but she's no fool.

Rosie knocks again. There's loud music, voices. She has no idea who's supposed to be there outside of Lisa and Irene. She hopes that Jungkook isn't going to be on the other side of the door. She's not sure she can handle playing nice with her ex on top of everything else.

She waits another minute before Lisa opens the door. She grins at her, her cheeks bright pink. She folds her into a bear hug. "Rosie!"

"Happy birthday, Lisa!" She wiggles a little; she can't actually extricate her arms to hug her back. "Okay, need to breathe."

"Oh, right." She lets her go. "Sorry." She takes the extended bottle of champagne. "I'm so glad you were able to get out of work!"

"Me too," Rosie says, realizing she means it. She follows Lisa into her spacious apartment, hating her a little for her clean, spacious living space. All the paint and 409 in the world couldn't help her own apartment. She has a flash of a new life -- a better paying job, a decent apartment, a steady partner -- and finds that she can't breathe.

She heads towards the kitchen, where Irene is entertaining two women. When Irene sees her, she shimmies out of her girl friend's grasp and gives her a hug. "Jennie let you off the leash tonight?" she gasps, stepping back and examining her. "I don't believe it! You sure you're not a hologram?"

"I'm the real deal." Rosie smiles. "Now, introduce me to these stunning young women."

Irene laughs with delight. "Well, you remember Minnie, right? You met her at the club last week."

"Ah, yes," Rosie admits, extending her hand. Minnie adjusts her sleeves and half-stands to shake her hand. Her grip is tight. She manages a smile.

"How are you doing?" she asks.

"Not bad," Rosie replies.

"And this," Irene says, motioning towards the woman leaning against the wall.

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