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Jennie's tongue darts across her lower lip and she offers a faint smile. "I went to Florence for my honeymoon with my first husband."

Rosie's eyebrows dart up. "Really? That's an unexpected honeymoon spot."

The waitress appears and holds out the bottle of wine. Jennie nods and two glasses are poured of a deep scarlet wine. Jennie swirls the glass and smells it before taking a sip. She hums her appreciation and, setting down the glass, says, "You were expecting Fiji?"

Rosie nods.

"That was honeymoon number two." She sips her wine. "Tuscany is another world altogether. Florence is an art mecca; if you have an appreciation for art and architecture, you can't do much better."

Rosie sits back in her chair and studies the woman sitting across from her, her fingers circling the stem of her wine glass. "I wouldn't have figured you as that type."

"What type did you categorize me as, Roseanne?"

Rosie blushes. "You know, I am not even sure. You're a very difficult woman to understand."


Rosie laughs. "Why do you try so hard to project such a cold exterior?"

"Are you trying to get inside my head?"

"Yep." Rosie leans forward. "Let me in, Jennie. I don't bite."

"I'm not so sure."

"I just want to know you. Is that such a bad thing?"

"Very few people truly know me, Roseanne. It takes a great deal to allow someone that sort of insight into my mind."

"Lucky for you, I'm much easier." Rosie blushes. "I mean...oh screw it. You know what I mean."

"You've made it quite obvious how easy you are," Jennie replies with a cheeky grin. She casts her glance over Rosie's torso. "Tell me your most embarrassing memory."

"You would want to know that!" Rosie rolls her eyes and purses her lips.

"I imagine there must be many to choose from."

"Ouch!" Rosie takes an imaginary knife from her heart.

"You're not so sensitive, are you?"

"Lucky you."

"So you've pointed out."

"You know, there are a few too many embarrassing stories to choose from. I think I'll save those until you've decided for sure whether or not you like me."

"I thought it was clear that I'd made up my mind on that matter?"

Rosie blushes. "To a point. But you like me because you want me, and you like what you know of me. You know me as Roseanne the second assistant, not Rosie the person."

"In case you were in any way unclear, I would like to get to know you."

"Me me or naked me?"

Jennie rolls her eyes. "Are they not one in the same?"

"Ah, so you do want to know me naked!"

"Old news, Roseanne. Do keep up."

Rosie laughs. "I can't help it if I get a little excited about the fact that we're going to...you know."

"What makes you think that we're going to sleep together?"

Rosie furrows her brow. "Aren't we?"

"Perhaps I brought you to Barcelona to romance you. Have you ever thought of that?"

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