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I woke up and got ready for breakfast. I stepped out of my cabin and was greeted by an overcast sky and a choppy, dark sea. Instead of the rows in which campers were supposed to walk to the dining pavilion, everyone was in groups, intermingling with their friends from other cabins. Piper looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back. She didn't attempt to come over. She knew how I hated the rules being broken. What did I ever do to deserve her? 

Leo was talking with some of his siblings. He looked my way and smiled in greeting. I looked over to where Annabeth was standing with her hands on her waist, shaking her head at the Poseidon cabin's door. The door was closed and the son of Poseidon was nowhere to be seen. I suppressed an eye roll. He should know better than to take midnight trips to the beach. Annabeth sighed and started walking to breakfast with Malcolm Pace. 


As we were eating breakfast, Chiron tapped his hoof on the floor to signal that he wanted to address them. Everyone went silent. This sparked a realisation in my head. Perhaps the Greeks aren't very different from the Romans. What if he could make them work as a single unit? He had been able to do so with the Legion. He imagined the camp, with the organisation of Romans and the liberal outlook of the Greeks. Absolutely perfect. 

Jason had missed the chores announced by Chiron. He knew what was required around. The Hypnos cabin's door was to be replaced. The Tyche cabin needed some more good luck charms. He knew of the camp's needs, since he often asked around. The younger campers liked him as much as Percy, since they knew he cared. And they liked Percy because, well, he was Percy. 

"Now, to more-" Chiron was interrupted as Percy ran up. 

Instead of apologising, he smirked. "Miss anything important?"

And instead of punishing him, Chiron gave him a warm smile. "No, Percy, just the basics."

Percy sat down on his table and drank something blue from his goblet. What was he, 5?

"Yes, as I was saying," Chiron continued. "There has been a dispute on Olympus. You can see that Mr. D is absent. I will be going too, since it is of utmost importance to placate the two."

"Who's bickering now, Chiron?", Annabeth asked. 

"Zeus and Poseidon. Apparently, some Elder Cyclopes had made a new lightning bolt for Zeus. When he was, ah, presenting it to the Olympians, it backfired. The bolt had not been made masterfully. Enraged, Zeus struck down those Cyclopes as they stood in the forges beside Poseidon's palace. Poseidon took it as an invasion of his territory, and vowed to not visit Olympus until Zeus apologised. I have been summoned to Olympus to try and placate Zeus. I shall leave tomorrow. Kindly don't burn the camp down."

Percy snickered. "Ya got that Valdez?"

Leo grinned back. 

Jason scoffed. Apparently Piper had seen him do so. She gave him a questioning gaze, and he mouthed later to her. I glanced at Percy. He had picked up his plate and moved to the Athena table to sit next to Annabeth. The Athena campers scooted over to give him some space. While Malcolm just grinned, most of the campers shifted uncomfortably at the rules being broken. 

Chiron cast a disappointed look in Percy's direction, but did nothing to remove him from the table. 

Sometimes I wonder what Annabeth saw in him.

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