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A/N: This chapter's longer than the others, guys

Perseus and I headed towards the discuses lying on the field. He picked up a discus, and got into his stance, which was remarkably correct. He threw his discus, and I saw as it sailed through the air. Though I could feel my powers were out of reach, I couls sense the winds swirling only around the discus, slowing its progress. His sailed a pitiful 70 feet before biting the dust. Mine was slightly aided by my father, but it didn't need much help as it sailed 160 feet. I was declared the winner for discus throw. 

The javelin throw also went well. My javelin sailed 90 metres or so, while his dropped at 30 metres. The humiliation was going well. Those who supported me had started laughing loudly, while the head counsellors sitting with Annabeth tried unsuccessfully to shut them up. Jackson was looking dejected and sad, but not angry. If this didn't drive him to win, I don't know what would. 

Archery was the last straw. We tood at our marks, with the targets in front of us. Jackson took a shot first, followed by me. We both got five shots. 

His first arrow went into the wrestling wring, the second one flew into the wall of the arena to my right. The third went behind us while the fourth one went between the targets, better than most. The fifth scored bullseye. But on my target. 

As he argued with Malcolm about the last arrow, the Stolls finally gave up, laughing their heads off. The Hermes cabin jeered at Jackson, while the Athena and Ares cabins also started laughing. Out of these, only Clarisse, Annabeth and Chris Rodriguez. And, with the largest cabins laughing, who wanted to be left out? Pretty soon the whole arena was filled with laughter, which was music to my ears. Piper's charmspeak laugh had several campers rolling on the floor. Even Leo was laughing half heartedly with his cabin members. Thank gods I hade made the rule that the game had to go through even if a participant had won majority events. I wanted to see this through. 

The stade got the nature spirits ridiculing Jackson as well. Though I admit Perseus is agile, I had more practice for the race. I saw how cleverly my father had taken advantage of the bad weather and the wind was pushing him backwards. He got winded up quickly, and crossed the finish line 20 seconds after me. It must have looked ridiculous from the stands, Perseus looking as if he was jogging and yet panting as he crossed the finish line. 

We removed our T-shirts for the combat sports. Since we were playing a mix of modern and ancient, we didn't have to oil ourselves. As we circled each other in the circular patch of dirt, wearing just shorts, I recalled Ares' words.

Though you're stronger, but that punk can get in your reach with training, since he's runty. You need to be careful to not let him into your reach. Oh, and give him a good smackdown. 

Jackson charged, perhaps trying to preserve the shreds of his reputation that remained. The match wouldn't get over till he admitted defeat, so I would need to get him pinned such that he was forced to surrender. 

Maybe block his air supply, I thought as I tackled him. He did have strength, and I grunted with effort as he tried to push me out of the circle of dirt. Eventually, I extricated myself from his grip, and grabbed his waist. He swung his feet around my abdomen, and I slammed him into the ground. He grunted, and as his grip loosened, I got him into a hold, and, after half a minute, he slammed his hand on the ground three times.

The Ares cabin (except Clarisse) was now cheering for me instead of jeering at Perseus. Annabeth looked shocked, and Grover had covered his eyes. As we moved to the last sport, boxing, I had to resist to laugh at Perseus. His head was hung low, and his back was bowed as he dejectedly walked behind me to the ring. 

I was in the red corner, and he was in the blue, our gloves and shorts being the same colour. Piper gave me a thumbs up, while I saw Annabeth looking sadly at Perseus. Malcolm would be refereeing this match from outside the ring, like with wrestling. There were no stoold, since this was a one-round match. It would end when one of us was knocked to the ground. 

Malcolm blew a whistle, and we danced around each other. Jackson didn't even guard himself. I jabbed at him, testing his reflexes. They were good. I suddenly threw a right hand. He ducked, and I overextended myself. The laughs and cheers quitened a bit. I threw anothe right hand, but as he ducked, I used my momentum to spin around and punch him in his slightly smirking face. He stumbled, but I didn't give him a chance to fall. 

He had the nerve to embarrass me? I continued to punch him ruthlessly, until I threw a hammer punch at his barely guarded chest. He flew into the corner. The ancient Olympics had allowed punching on all places. So, as he was recovering, I went and slammed my fist where the sun doesn't shine. Malcolm was still at the opposite end, as he had been shocked. Besides, there was no rule regarding this type of a punch. 

He gave a satisfying yelp. I knew if I moved to the side, he would fall over. But I thought of the alienation I had felt when Perseus was at Camp Jupiter, and the alienation on the Argo 2 as well. I remembered how he was dangerous for the camp. And so I allowed him to fall into my arms. 

I knew I had 20 seconds at max when Malcolm got here, since this qualified as 'wrestling' which wasn't allowed. 

I spoke into his ear, "Oh poor you. Why does everyone who trust in you, believe in you, die? Zoe, Bianca, Ethan, Silena, Damasen, Bob and Luke" I said the last name with as much malice as possible. 

When I threw him back, his eyes were wide, perhaps in shock. Suddenly, Ares' voice spoke in my head. Show them what you got, Jace.

I continued using him as a punching bag before I decided that it was time. Suddenly, a new strength coursed through me. I punched Perseus hard in the stomach. I let him fall over, somehow knowing he would land on all fours. The rules required for his back to touch. I looked into the stands and saw Grover in tears, and Annabeth gripping the front railing, her knuckles white. 

As he crawled away, I spoke, "This is your leader?" and he helpfully barfed up his breakfast. I grabbed him around his stomach and threw him into the ropes, with a series of punches. "Slayer of the Minotaur? Sailor of the Sea of Monsters? Bearer of Atlas' curse? Navigator of the Labyrinth? The savior of Olympus? The survivor of Tartarus?"

I went into a trance; picking up Perseus, who still refused to land on his back, throwing him across the ring, and knocking him out again with each question. Soon, my gloves were sticky with crimson, but I didn't care. 

As I left him leaning against the ropes, I addressed them all. "How can you accept someone like him as your leader? The camp is a haven for a family, and he stands as a threat to it. When Chiron's not here, how much training do you actually receive? Shouldn't a leader be mindful of those who follow him? Why do those who believe in him to protect them, end up DYING?" and as I ended my speech, Jackson sank to the ground, thus signalling his defeat. 

Zeus appeared, thankfully, and bellowed, "It appears we have a winner!"

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