Why Him?

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**The day after Percy's banishment**

Clarisse's POV 

I couldn't get my mind to focus on training the young pricks- er, demigods. Though Chris would have been with me, the Eternal Zero had started inspecting how everyone was doing their duties. I gritted my teeth as he entered the arena, and looked over the demigods. He had restricted travel out of camp. He had said that if a demigod received visions, or some sign from the gods, then only could they consult the Oracle. Rachel couldn't leave her cave, which was now guarded by some newer campers who worshipped Jason.

Then, he raised his head to the stands, as if imagining how he had beaten Percy. I couldn't believe Ares would choose Jason as his champion. I had not failed to see the red glow around him during the final bout.

Well, my father was war, and everything was fair in war. But, honestly, why Prissy?

Grover's POV 

I saw my best friend kicked out of camp, quite literally. And I would be lying if I said that I didn't shed any tears. I had to look upon Percy's poor replacement, if he could even be called a replacement. Sure, he did commission the planting of trees, and officially designate me Lord of the Wild, and Head of the satyr council. Thankfully, he didn't mess much with us, we being sacred to Dionysus and all. 

However, my visits were now regulated. I needed to submit freaking paperwork to exit camp and spread the message. Plus, I could only target specific spots. Today, when I decided to go out to Central Park to lift my spirits, I nearly ate up the paperwork. 

I could deal with this. But why did Percy have to be banished?

Leo's POV

I couldn't bear the look on the face of Annabeth, and the pang of guilt I felt. If only I could've told Percy or Annabeth... But no, I had to stay loyal to mighty Jason. I winced at that thought as I flew aboard Festus Air towards Houston. Even if Jason was being a major jerk, he was still his friend. 

I had packed my bags yesterday night, not that I had anything much to pack. I had Iris Messaged Calypso, who was tending to our shop, and told her of the changes. She had closed her eyes when I described Jason's plan and the Games. Then I told her I was thinking of coming over. She had agreed to my decision. 

Jason had told me and Piper of his plans, a few rules he meant to implement. Apparently, Chiron would be slightly below Jason in the power structure, and though Mr. D was higher, he rarely cared. He had mentioned restricted travel, and so I had sneaked out, leaving a note for Piper. 

Hey Beauty Queen

I received an IM from Calypso. She's pretty busy right now, and asked for my help. So I'll be gone till who-knows-when. 

Leo McShizzle

I felt sad for Percy. The guy had gone through as much as they had, even if they disavowed his other 'quests'. Why was it him?

Thalia's POV 

I had arrived at Camp. Annabeth had told me rather distractedly about the Games, and how it was basically Percy vs Jason. Though Jason was my wee brother, I knew Percy would at least put up a tough fight, and I had intended to be there to congratulate him. I had even convinced Lady Artemis to let us stay at Camp for three days. Though the mentioned sports were not exactly Percy's strength, I knew he would win. 

However, I was greeted by a pissed off Clarisse, a teary Grover and a broken Annabeth. I noticed the hollow rage in Annabeth's eyes as she stared into the distance, and I dreaded what had happened. Clarisse recounted the whole experience, and I underwent shock and then rage. Sure, Jason was my brother by blood but how DARE he mess with my cousin by bond? But seeing how Annabeth had not acted, I decided to drop it. So, I simply grabbed Jason by his collar and decked him across his face. 

I felt satisfied until the weird purple aura around him grew stronger, until I got nauseous and retreated to the Artemis Cabin. Then, later in the day, Jason sent a demigod to ask us about how long we would be staying. We refused to say anything, so Jason himself began marching towards the cabin. Luckily, Artemis intercepted him, and gave him an answer he was pleased to have. After kneeling to Artemis, he went back. 

A guilty looking Lady Artemis then informed us we would be leaving tomorrow at dawn, and none of us could be happier. I then Iris Messaged Nico, whose expression darkened as I recounted the tale. We both looked at each other, thinking; Why always Percy?

Annabeth's POV

I could just feel the lack of feelings. Sure, I did drag myself out of bed each day, and took myself to the dining pavilion, and guided the cabin in activities. But it didn't mean I had peaceful nights, or I ate at meals, or that I actually participated in the activities. A part of me was just... gone. 

I was angry. At the gods, for this drama. At Jason, who seemingly had Piper wound around his finger. At Percy, for not arguing with Athena. 

I was summoned by Jason, who had converted a room in the Big House into his office. He questioned my ability, and I simply walked out. I knew I couldn't continue like this. I had to find my Seaweed Brain. Yet again. 

I told Malcolm he was the counsellor now, and started to walk out of camp. I was stopped by Jason's voice. 

"Annabeth Chase, you cannot forfeit your position as counsellor unless challenged. Also, you must have a prophecy to be able to leave camp."

I looked back at him. He barely resembled Jason; he had had a growth spurt, and there seemed to be a constant red flame in his now-hard blue eyes. 

I snapped, "Oh, to Tartarus with your formalities, Grace"

He smirked. An evil one, with none of the playfulness. "Funny choice of words" I paled at this "You are hereby banished from Camp Half-Blood for a period of two summers"

I held back my tears, and yelled, "Yeah, well, I will find him. And pray nothing attacks Camp"

I heard a few voices calling for me, but I was already hailing a cab towards Upper East Side, Manhattan. 

Why couldn't we stay together?

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