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I appeared in the central green as the campers were hauling Jason, their leader, on their shoulders towards nowhere in particular. The sun was setting, a view ruined by the glaring campers. He quietly asked them to set him down and faced Percy, just like they had done before the games. 

Hermes dropped some bags by my side, which probably had my stuff. Now that I had some time to cool off, I couldn't help but think that perhaps Jason hadn't intended to do this. Perhaps he had been pressured or manipulated by Zeus. Still, I couldn't bring myself to forgive him. And he wasn't exactly asking for forgiveness. 

Ignoring the crowd, I walked over to the side, where four people were standing apart from the crowd. As soon as they saw me, they started bombarding me with questions; "What happened? Why were you summoned? What will happen to you now?"

I smiled sadly as my Wise Girl hugged me and buried her crying face into my chest. I tried to stroke her princess curls one last time without crying myself. I told them, "I have been banished. I will be going now. I think they will try to block you all from communicating with me, and I will be punished if I try to contact you"

Clarisse scowled. "Well, tough luck, 'cause we're going with you, Prissy"

Chris and Grover nodded, and Annabeth's grip tightened around me. But I firmly shook my head, "No. Grover, you need to continue to spread the message of Pan. Clarisse, you need to protect Camp from monsters, and Chris needs to stay to make sure you don't act like your daddy dear"

Clarisse punched me on my arm as I looked down at a teary and glaring Annabeth. "Wise Girl, I can't take you. Who knows what I may face? Besides, this camp is your home. You need to help Clarisse. Need I say more? Because I thought Athena knew best"

As I turned to leave, Annabeth started coming after me, but I heard her startled yelp, because Athena herself had arrived. She was firmly holding her daughter back, glaring at me. 

I sighed, and went back to confront the campers. My expression hardened as I looked at each in turn. "I have been banished from Olympus and both camps by the council, and I am pretty sure you all would have made the same decision if granted the choice to. I have nothing more to say to you backstabbers. Good day." 

Only a few appeared slightly embarrassed at my words, but they didn't try to change anything. I turned on my heel, because I couldn't bring myself to see how many familiar faces had betrayed me, laughed at me, pushed me out. 

I took in the surroundings as I went by, and a jumble of memories surfaced. The creek disappearing into the woods, where I had been claimed. The Athena cabin, where Annabeth had hugged me before we went into the Labyrinth. The beach, where I had sneaked out of camp with Annabeth and Tyson. The dining pavilion, where I had decided to go to rescue Annabeth. The Big House, where I had been told of my drool. And the pine tree where I had slain the Minotaur. 

I reached the crest of Half-Blood Hill, and turned around, half expecting to be welcomed back. But all I saw was Ares at his full height. Grinning, he swung his foot backwards and kicked me to who knows where. When I woke up, I noticed I was in a forest. Suddenly, ice-cold water was dumped on me. At first, I thought it was a joke from Ares, but noticed that I was still dry, and the bones were already reknitting themselves after being broken by the godly kick. I thanked my dad, and stood up. A blue coloured bag had also dropped. It contained some demigod supplies; ambrosia cubes, a canteen of nectar, some drachmas, a roll of mortal money, water and food. 

I considered my options. I couldn't go to any of the camps. The Hunters hadn't been mentioned, though they wouldn't allow me to stay, seeing how Artemis had abstained. I couldn't go back to Mom's, since it would attract too many monsters, and if I stayed there for the rest of my holidays, the apartment may start reeking with my demigod scent. I had an idea. 

I could go to Alaska. It was beyond the gods, a land of peace. The scarce monsters there wouldn't bother me, since I held a very weak connection to the gods. 

So it was decided.

Leader of Camp Half-BloodWhere stories live. Discover now