Champion of Ares

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He brought forth a wreath of olive leaves. "These leaves shall not wilt, because they are from the original olive tree itself"

Behind me, I heard Annabeth gasp as she, Clarisse, Chris and Grover carried Jackson towards the creek outside. I knew the tree had been created by Athena when she was competing for the patronship of Athens. Zeus crowned me and then produced a sky blue cloak lined with crimson patterns. "And this marks you as the Eternal Hero, Leader of Camp Half-Blood. Your powers will be demarcated shortly" 

The arena had gone quiet during the boxing event, but now it erupted in cheers, with the exceptions having gone to the creek. I beamed proudly at the campers and then kneeled to my father. "I will not fail Olympus or the Camp"

My father nodded, and disappeared in a gale. Suddenly, the cheering stopped as Annabeth stalked into the arena, closely followed by Jackson and the others. One could nearly see the steam coming out of her ears. 

"Well tough luck, Hero, if you believe for one second that we will accept a little piece of-"

I flicked my hand, and a gust of wind went for her knees. She landed quite hard on her face. I smirked. This set off Jackson. After helping her up, he turned on me. 

Darkness swirled in his sea green eyes that had been broken by defeat mere minutes ago. The waves crashing on the beach grew to enormous heights, and campers started rushing to the top tier of the arena to look at the sea. Apparently, a mini hurricane was headed for camp. 

I heard as the hurricane crashed into the dining pavilion, toppling columns like dominoes. Apparently Jackson heard it too, because he fell to his knees, the sea going back to normal and the hurricane dissipating. 

Suddenly, Hermes flashed into the arena, looking grim. He half-heartedly congratulated me, and then turned to Jackson. 

"Percy, you have been summoned to Olympus", he said, before touching him and taking them both to Olympus. 

Well, that's sorted. I thought. The campers began going back to their cabins or duties, while the Percy Jackson Support Group consoled Annabeth. 

Just before the campers left, Ares appeared. He was wearing full Greek armor, and traditional clothing underneath, instead of his biker look. 

He bellowed, "Jason Grace, for remarkable sportsmanship and a strong performance, I offer you the chance to be my champion. Do you accept?"

I saw the gaping campers. Only Piper was smiling proudly. Without hesitation, I knelt and answered, "Yes, my lord"

Ares smiled and said, "Rise, my champion. I shall talk with you later"

After Ares disappeared, I looked down and was surprised that I had a faint red glow mixing with a now strong blue glow, an unsaid gift from my father. I was glowing purple, and as I wrapped the cloak around I noticed I had had another growth spurt, and would perhaps stand taller than Frank, though I was still quite agile. Though I was muscular, I felt stronger than such a body could allow.

It was Piper who spoke, "Hail, Jason Grace, Eternal Hero, Leader of Camp Half-Blood, Son of Jupiter, Champion of Ares and Hera, Victor of Olympics-" she smiled at the last part, speaking as if to herself, "-and my boyfriend"

Everyone cheered and carried me towards the central green, Perseus Jackson forgotten blissfully.

Leader of Camp Half-BloodWhere stories live. Discover now