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Jason's POV 

Only a few members had grown tense at Perseus's warning. It did feel good when he wasn't around. He always strutted about, thinking he was a one man army or something. Though, Annabeth didn't necessarily have to go. I didn't want her to leave, but I had to follow my own rules; her behaviour meant banishment. 

As I sulked on my bed in the Zeus cabin, there was a knock. I had easened a few rules, like allowing campers to enter other cabins and sitting at other tables, with permission of course. It was Piper. 

I was suddenly aware of how I was in my boxers. It wasn't that she hadn't seen me like this before, it was just that this was the first time after I was blessed. Her eyes seemed to glaze over as she unconsciously walked over and sat on my bed. I cleared my throat. 

Her eyes cleared, and she smiled at me. I could see the hinger in her eyes, and I also wanted to get closer. But it was not the time to do so. I had asked her to observe the Camp's mood after two campers had been banished. 

She went over to shut the door and started to speak. "Percy's banishment was not very... triggering. The oldest campers are uneasy about that, but the younger campers are growing more confident with the regular training" I nodded. That was all well. 

"However, the campers are a bit distressed with Annabeth going away. She was an icon, and the most experienced camper. The camp saw her as a leader as well, and her decisions always had impact"

I gritted my teeth. "Well, we will reduce that. Should we ask Camp Jupiter for an exchange training program?"

Piper nodded thoughtfully. "I doubt they will accept, since they would be asking about Percy and all"

I said, more to reassure myself. "They will accept"

Piper's eyes glazed over, and she muttered, "They will accept"

What the Hades?

Her eyes unglazed, and she shook her head. Then, after kissing me (rather passionately) goodnight, she went back to her cabin. I was still puzzled when I went to sleep. 

I saw Ares and Zeus in my dream. They were sitting on their thrones on Olympus. 

"My lords, may I ask what happened, if you happen to know about the incident?"

Zeus nodded. Ares had started appearing to me in traditional Greek robes, perhaps because I was his first champion in two millenia. 

"Son, that was the power of leadership. I rarely bestow this gift upon my children"

Ares interrupted. "Basically, he means you are more manipulative. And, coupled with my aura, which compels those around you to respect you," he spread his arms, "you're the perfect leader"

I was still puzzled. "How does my father have such a power?"

Ares snorted. "Well, how did you think the Olympian council held together all these years?"

It did make sense. I bowed in thanks and my dream ended. 


The next morning, I went to the amphitheater to address the campers. My manipulative power had been way stronger than Piper's charmspeak yesterday night when I had not even intended to use it. It would be very useful to comfort campers and to give his viewpoint peacefully. 

"Campers, it has come to my notice that several of you are worried, since two of your 'experienced' campers, so to speak, have left camp", I began to address the audience. The effect was instantaneous; some chuckled at my sarcasm, while a few cracked a smile. "I would like to assure you that you are perfectly protected here. I will work day and night to ensure this becomes your home away from home" Yes. Keep it brief. That's the trick.

I walked down to applause. The campers were now convinced. Piper jogged towards me, and gave me a kiss. "Ready for inspections, Sparky?"

I smiled, and we walked off together to inspect the cabins.

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