Chapter 3: Adoption

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1st POV 

As the basket flowed on the ganga river, Karna calmed by the occasional tides stopped weeping instead he now slept peacefully forgetting about the sins of our Mata, but I didn't, I never forget, nor I ever will.

Look I maybe acting like some kind of emo but think about it who wouldn't feel angry if they felt hurt in their past life and their current life too along with that their family member is getting caught up in this mess.

Anyways to be honest, this river produced a sleepy calm effect but there was some will in my heart keeping me awake and then started rain and thundering as we continued to float. The drops fell on the forehead of Karna which made him squint his eyes in irritation, but he relaxed soon.

Because even if I was bind by ropes, my body strength was enormous to break through it and cover his body with my small body protecting his resting period. But as we continued to float, I noticed it was taking a long time to reach the home of Radha and Adhirath.

And why was it night? This was never mentioned in the original texts.

Why does this river seem like an ocean in length?

The answers to all these questions came finally when a huge draconic beast lifted its snot and stared at me with hunger, no this was not a dragon or any sort of mythical creature. This was an asura, a huge dragon shaped asura.

Even though usually I remained calm and composed but seeing such a dangerous beast in front, scared me quite heavily

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Even though usually I remained calm and composed but seeing such a dangerous beast in front, scared me quite heavily. But I wasn't going to be scared since it would hinder my brain's planning potentially causing Karna to die.

Which I absolutely didn't want and maybe since I was an anomaly in this world maybe this is why certain changes are occurring as the universe is constantly trying to adapt to my presence in this timeline.

This was my theory.

What should I do?!

"Call upon thy weapon."

A voice I heard, it was deep but almost like resembled the voice of a human and a bull mixed together. I didn't know what it was trying to instigate but I didn't have time to bother, I needed to save me and brother.


This time the voice was as loud as a jet engine, and if it wasn't in my head then I was pretty sure that it would burst my ear drums away. Ok call my weapon.


Ok, you have read novels in your free time and what do they tell you during these sinister moments? Yes, calm yourself and look within yourself.

Hope the meditation classes I took in my previous life help me otherwise I am afraid the timeline is going to collapse.

As the asura got close to me, I closed my eyes clearing my head only concentrating on some kind of weapon which would aid me in this situation. I need a strong weapon capable of killing this beast without exerting much of physical energy since I was still a baby.

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