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You almost stared through her as she spoke to you. Her tight bun of gray hair and her white coat match the sterile esthetic of the cold exam room you both sat in.
You never thought for even a moment that you would be having this kind of conversation, not at your age. You're young, you're healthy, and you should have plenty of time to make a family with the man of your choosing. Yet, there would always be this one thing that sat in the way.

Other women could plan out their lives however they wanted, marry, and even have children with anyone they chose. You were not so lucky. As an omega, you were bound by a biological law brought on by both your local government and your own body. You could fight it with medication at first, but over time everything would stop working, even the bodily system keeping you alive would eventually crash.

This heat had been so bad that you were barely able to move, let alone crawl as far as you had once you'd let yourself fall out of bed. You made it as far as the couch before everything blurred over and your vision turned black. You didn't hear the phone ringing when work called regarding your absence, and you didn't hear the banging at the door after they reached out to your family.
Your boss was one in a million, an omega who knew your plight and had the forethought to call your mother when you didn't show up to work. Your dear mother was quick to call 911 when you didn't pick up her calls. At least when the EMTs showed up, you were still breathing, but it was far too close of a call this time. If it weren't for the people who cared about you, this story would have a far different ending.

After this last conversation with the doctor, you'll be discharged, but you almost didn't want to listen as she talked about how 'it's dangerous for omegas to go so long without having their heats satiated properly' and that "suppressants can only go so far."
You just didn't want to believe it. You were still so young, and it felt like your whole life could come to a screeching halt in just one more month. Of course, all you needed was the real thing. No suppressants and no toys, just a living, breathing man to satiate your screaming inner omega. But, you'd never been with an alpha before; you've barely been with anyone, and you were scared.

One of your lesser qualities has always been your extensive social anxieties. Every time it seemed your boundary had to be pushed, you found a way to weasel out of it. You always chose avoidance over confrontation, until now. There was no avoidance anymore, and you knew that for your well-being something had to change.

"I'm just not sure if I'm ready." You blotted away some fresh tears that tried to drip down your reddened cheek, with a little piece of tissue you had wadded up in your curled hand.

"I understand that for some, it can be a little scary, and we know you've done what you could to buy yourself just a little more time. But, this has become something that can't be made to wait any longer." Her voice was soothing, and it calmed you just a little, but the overwhelming realization that your bubble of comfort needed to be popped weighed just a little too heavily on you.

She reached behind her for a little blue pamphlet and handed it to you as she spoke. "I think it would be best to consider your options."

You weren't sure what that meant until you looked at the leaflet and saw a young woman on the cover looking just as confused as you with the words 'how to practice safe sex' sitting below her image.
Then it became very clear that you, in fact, had no other options; you only had one.

She got up to leave so you could get dressed for your discharge. You felt so juvenile as you stared daggers at the girl on the front page of the pamphlet. You wanted to crumple it up in your hand, throw the damn thing away, or maybe just toss it out the window. Yet, you just stared at it as the tears began to spill down your chin.

By the time you'd collected yourself enough to get your clothes on and grab the few things you'd brought with you, that stupid pamphlet was still in your hand. All the way to the check-out desk, you carried it.

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