New roommate :)

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Warnings: this chapter contains bullying, harassment, strong language, cringe

If you don't like this sort of stuff I suggest clicking off now

Also this is my first book if you want more please leave a comment below,anyway I hope you enjoy <3

Chapter 1 new roommate:)
Kenji's pov:

Monday 7th of January

First day back from Christmas holidays, I had just gotten in my dorm room and began to unpack, i arrived early it was quiet and peaceful.

Normally on the first day back everyone arrives late and the dorms are swarmed with people, like a maze students rushed around the dorm halls moments before lessons begin frantically throwing clothes in wardrobes and draws and leaving the rest for later after classes.

I had learnt this the hard way and showed up at the same time as everyone else and ended up late being stuck In between mobs of people pushing past to get to the stairs towards first lesson, after that moment I always showed up early and left the dorm building before the mob started.

As i entered the dorm i noticed something odd, my roommates stuff was already unpacked and he was no where to be seen.

My roommate Kyle was the one of the laziest people in this whole school, he would always show up late to first lesson back because he was too slow at unpacking and he would throw his stuff all over the floor in a pile and didn't care about tidying at all, his side of the room was always a pigsty but i never said anything about it since whenever i would try bring even the word 'cleaning' up Kyle would start an argument about how he didn't need to clean and how he should mind his business since it wasn't even on his side of the dorm room.

But seeing everything organised and put away neatly and cleaned left me completely shocked and confused. I laughed it off and began to unpack myself before laying on my bed.

A minute later i heard the sound of the door opening, I looked up to see Felix enter the room,
"You've got to be kidding me" he sighed and closed the door behind him.

Felix was what you'd call a 'popular kid' but really he was a bully and everyone was scared of him. Him and his group of friends made fun of people, beat people up and straight up terrorised people for fun. Me and Felix hated each others guts, we constantly got into fights and arguments mainly because of stupid little things.

Felix uses his popularity and the fact he's a star football player to intimidate others, He takes great pleasure in making people suffer.

Felix is extremely competitive and hates losing, often taking losses personally and lashing out at those he thinks are responsible, last year he beat up the new guy who was half the size of Felix, he was left beaten to a pulp his lip split and both his eyes plum purple with tears running down his cheeks. Let's just say that boy never come back to school again.

I sat up to fully face Felix, we both just stared at each other with disgusted expressions.

"What are you doing in my dorm room?" I broke the silence, Felix leaned his back against the door with his arms crossed watching me closely, with a stupid look on his face.
"Your old roommate switched dorm rooms with me"
"What!?" I got of my bed and stood up
"Are you deaf" felix said with an annoyed tone obviously not amused at all.
"Fuck you"
"Excuse me?" Felix's face went a light red tone and his voice sounded enraged. I put my hand to my forehead and took a deep sigh, when i slowly looked up i was shoved back my head slammed into the wardrobe.

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