Chapter 3 stupid cigarette

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Warning: this chapter contains homophobia, violence, and a slight sexual bit 😏.

If you find any of these uncomfortable I suggest clicking off <3


Chapter 3 stupid cigarette

(Felix's pov)

I completely blacked out and was strangling Kenji staring into his eyes, oh how I hated that pricks guts so much. My grip began to tighten and around me all I could hear was people yelling sentences which sounded like gibberish.

As I sat atop of him strangling him I felt something weird, seeing his eyes roll back as his hands begin to give up and fall beside his head. It made my heart race, the only thing I could hear was my heart beating fast like it was about to burst out my chest and run off.
I suddenly feel something hard against my groin, confused I loosen my grip and look down to see this fag has a hard on. Ew.

My hands retract in an instant and Kenji's eyes go back to normal now not rolling into the back of his head, he breathes hard and fast sucking oxygen into his lungs. I sit there and stare at him frozen, my face begins to heat up and kenji seems to come back to reality himself. His own face becoming redder than mine, grossed out I quickly get off him and keep distance and Kenji gets up and runs off as quick as lightning not even looking back.

I don't know why I did it, I just did. I was already angry and wanted to take some anger out and without realising it I ended up atop of Kenji. KENJI of all people! And strangled him.
I mean the twat deserved it for tripping me up, and also from that incident this morning. Fuckin gay perv. Makes me ill just thinking about it ugh, I shiver and lay down on the grass staring at the clouds above. What just happened...

My mind kept replaying the situation, my mind filled with so many questions. Why was he hard? Did he enjoy it? Does he have some weird kink? Is he gay for me? As the questions floated in my mind it made me shiver and my skin felt itchy I felt sick.

I'm not gay, and even if I was I wouldn't ever want to go near Kenji or even think of him. But at this moment I'm time he was all that was on my mind it, it made me question myself. I'm straight? What we're these crazy thoughts
I'm going mad, I decide and started to sit up.

"Where is he?!" Mr nooks came along with a crowd of students, I was sat on the grass staring at them.
"Felix I was told you were strangling kenji" I laughed "I let go of him and he ran" i got up slowly my chest hurting my mind felt completely numb.
"Where did he go?" Mr nooks asked waving the crowd of students behind him to go back to the locker room to get changed.

"How am I supposed to know?" I asked and began to go to the changing rooms,
"Where do you think you're goin?" Mr nooks chuckled and I turned around and gave him a confused expression.
"You, find Kenji and bring him and yourself to my office" mr nooks stood with his arms crossed and a unhappy expression lay on his face,


"And don't strangle him this time" mr nooks said and stared to head inside
"I'd be quick if I were you it's gettin dark and cold out" he chucked and he was now to far away to hear any more of his comments, I sighed and began to search for Kenji.

Fuck sake Kenji.

I saw a nearby bathroom and thought that's a good place to start, I opened the door with a creak and stepped inside listening out for anyone.

I walked in and started to open the stall doors one by one till i came to the last stall in the bathroom, i put the tip of my fingers on the door and lightly pushed but it didn't move. at that moment i knew he was on the other side. I sighed and knocked on the door.

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