Chapter 11: confusing disaster

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Chapter 11: confusing disaster

Kenji's pov still:

"What did Lucy want?" Mia questioned sitting next to me, Ben had stayed at his dorm as he was "sick".

"Oh yeah, she just asked if Felix came back to his dorm last night" Mia just stared at me like I was some animal in a zoo.

"And?" She made this motion with her hand for me to carry on.
"I- er-"
"You fucked up" she giggled at me
"I didn't!"
"What did you say then?" She crossed her arm's waiting for me to answer, it made me nervous like I was sat down with some teacher.

"The bell rang before I could say anything" Mia didnt reply for a few minutes, it made me on edge I felt nervous and a bit sick. What if Lucy tells everyone?

"You should talk to Felix" Mia finally spoke but said something I didn't want to hear, she took a drink and tilted her head to the side as she watched me.

"Fucks sake.." I whined and got up in a huff making my way out the canteen, I knew exactly where Felix was (I walked passed him sat in a classroom smoking) he didn't turn up for lunch so I assume he's still there.

I made my way to the classroom trying to hurry before lunch was over.

Felix's pov:

I was sat on my phone smoking with the window open peacefully when Lucy slams open the classroom door making me jump, she slams it behind her and rushes over to me.

"What the fuck Lucy?!"
"ITS KENJI!!" She screamed my ears were pratically bleeding, wait what...

I didn't reply, how did she find out wait... kenji you utter twat. I'm going to kill him when I see him.

As if he'd heard me kenji like Lucy slammed the door open and close behind him, stopping in his tracks once he saw Lucy stood in front of me.

"Oh..." kenji mumbles in shock
"So it is kenji!" Lucy seemed...excited?
I didn't reply again, everything was happening so quickly I couldn't consume all this at once.

"So... are you both dating?" Both me and kenji froze in place.
"No" I placed my hand on my head my cigarette in between my fingers.

"But last night?" Lucy questioned, my head was killing me.

"We didn't sleep together... we only kissed" kenji explained and the room filled with silence.

"Felix, I'm sorry" Lucy apologised
"Can you leave" I sighed
"Leave Lucy" she left quietly closing the door behind her.

"That was unnecessary, don't you think?" God now kenji was on about something, give me a break for fucks sake.

"How did she find out" I ignored his complaint
"How do I know?"
"Well you must know because how else would she figure out huh? I haven't told her anything, you must've!" I slid off the desk standing in front of him

"I told you I didn't say anything?!"
"So what she magically found out?"
"For fucks sake Felix" he stepped towards me making me take a step back, as we argued back and forth kenji kept walking towards me I kept walking away but it was soon before my back was against the desk I was sat upon only a few minutes before.

As my back hit the desk I pushed him away, I don't want a repeat of last night especially not here.

"What's your problem?" I asked my hand on his chest to keep a distance between us.

"Don't tell me you're scared Felix" kenji chuckled covering his mouth with his hand hiding his stupid smile.

"Who said I'm scared?" I dropped my hand, I now took a step towards him.
"You sure seem scared to me" kenji had that stupid smile on his face, he took a step towards me we were now face to face only inches apart.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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