Chapter 5: Locker room

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(Same old warnings) bullying, harassment, etc
I'm so tired


The locker room

Chapter 5

(Kenjis pov) (short chapter sorry...)

After felix had thrown up his guts, he made his way to his morning detention.

My head was pounding,
My ears were ringing, I was so angry. Who does felix think he is?!

I was so distracted I accidentally bumped into someone in the corridor.
"Ow, sorry" I apologied and looked up to see Matthew peering down at me with a sneer on his face. what is up with people today?

"Maybe watch where you're going next time eh" he smirked and chuckled at me, right in my face... twat. So far the day had seemed to fall apart around me, first felix now this idiot. I want to go back home already and this term hasn't even begun yet, how will I survive.

"Watch where you're going blah blah" I mocked with a stupid voice and started walking off.
"What was that?" I heard Matthew say behind me, I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face him.

"I think you're hearing things" I said with a straight face and Matthew stomped over grabbing me by my shoulders,!He shoved me into the locker rooms, his friends followed closely behind him and closed the door.
"What now? Gonna beat me up?" I laughed my back pinned against some locker and in a matter of seconds one of matthew's friends had my hands behind my back and Matthew in front of me with his fists up.
"Do you think you're funny?" Matthew spat and grabbed my face hard squeezing my jaw tight.
"Personally I think I'm hilarious" gritting my teeth hard.

Matthew punched me in the stomach and not long after his friends joined in. It felt like I was going to die. I was hit Atleast thirty times in that cold damp room filled wall to wall with lockers. How can this get any worse, I decided to head to my morning detention early and sleep. Not that I was tired, I slept quite well last night it was odd, I normally never sleep well and wake up with a pounding headache but this morning and last night was different. I didn't wake up once last night whereas I normally wake up Atleast twice every night mostly to my roommate snoring but he's gone now and replaced with a menace who comes back to the door late drunk out his mind, I'm still not sure which one is better than the other.

"What happened to you?" A voice chuckled behind me I turned around to see Felix stood at his desk as I just began to drift off asleep.
"Why do you care?" I threw my pen at him and put my head back to its original place on the desks in my arms.
"Who said I cared?" Felix chuckled and started walking over to me.
was all I heard behind me until i heard a pen drop in front of me, I stared at it for a second before lifting my head, instantly I felt a hand fall upon my shoulder. Felix tilted my head up so I was looking directly into his eyes. Is he mad? This day has been the worst.
"Someone gave you a good beating eh" I don't know what was worse, sat in a classroom with just me and felix with him smiling at my beaten face or getting beaten up by Matthew of all people.

"Who did this?" He chuckled and inspected every inch of my face looking at my bruised eye, the red bruise mark on my jaw where Matthew had it in a tight grip, his thumb grazing over my wounds.

I tried to move my head so it wasn't facing the ceiling and up to felix's face but felix held my head in place his grip tightening whenever I attempted to move, he traced my bruise on my eye with his finger inspecting it closely, not once did he blink. It scared me.
"Uh Felix?" I asked and he suddenly snapped out of it and let go quickly, he returned to his seat awkwardly. What was that? I felt my face heat up, why is my face so hot?

For the next five minutes we sat in silence the only noise in the room was the random tap of a pen from felix or the snoring from the front where some old science teacher had been put to "watch" over us since mr nean was "busy" but he was probably avoiding being sat in detention with us.
"I'm ditching this is shit" felix got up from his seat leaving his pen on the desk and walked out. Great!

Bored I also decided to leave detention, what's the point if I had to serve it and felix especially when it was over something so embarrassing. Just before I left detention I noticed felix's pen lay on the abandoned desk, I picked it up shoving it in my pocket, I'll return it later.

Later that day I was walking with Mia to lunch when we saw a huge crowd in the hallway,
"What's going on?" Mia asked a girl near the back.
"Matthew and felix are fighting" the girl said quickly she was clearly eager to see the fight, and she wasn't the only one, students pushed and shoved clawing to the front just to see some action of the fight. What's wrong with this place.

Me and Mia looked at one another confused
"I thought they were friends?" Mia said and she shoved past people to get near the front of the crowd dragging me by my arm on her way to the front.
"So did I" I replied nearly loosing her in the crowd of students.

"What the fucks wrong with you!?" Matthew yelled as felix threw punch after punch at him,
Matthew punched him right in nose causing blood to stream down to his lips, cheers could be heard from students (mainly male students, but some girls as well)  The two threw punches after punches at each other, it finally came to a stop when Matthew fell to the floor just as a teacher came rushing through the crowd helping break the pair up when felix decided he didn't care about the teacher and wanted to carry on this fight.

In a Mather of seconds the crowd had dispersed and disappeared from sight,
"Both of you my office now!" The headteacher yelled at the pair of boys both covered in blood and bruises.
as the two headed towards his office felix walked past me and stared me down, a annoyed look on his face as he turned quickly and covered his face.
"What was that all about?" Mia laughed covering her mouth with her hand,
"Who knows" I laughed along with her, we both looked at each other crying with laughter at the twos faces. God what a sight it was.

Ik it's short I'm sorry I'm so busy lately and I've exhausted, I've got to wake up early tomorrow and it's nearly 11 🥲 hope you enjoyed <3

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