Chapter 8: canteen fight

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Warnings: violence(obvs look at the title), homophobia, bullying, harassment, cringe(loads) SMUT(please click off if u don't like cringey smut)


Chapter 8: canteen fight

Felix's pov:

I watched as kenji made his way out the room, I was glad he left after that awkward moment but a part of me wanted him to stay.

That morning I had remembered nothing but soon memories came flooding back and it horrified me, how I not only kissed kenji but gave him a hickey and tried to carry on...What's wrong with me?

As if sharing a room with him was awkward enough it's now ten times worse, I'm not even sure how to face him I'm embarrassed and confused. What was going through my stupid thick head!?

What if he got the wrong idea, I mean he's already gotten a boner because of me I don't want him to think I like him. I don't like him...

What do I do...

Kenji's pov:

"Oi!" A voice shouted at presumably me, I think. Confused I turned around only to see the one person I didn't want to. Matthew.

Matthew had rushed towards me, pushing me till I fell over and landed on my ass.
"What's your problem?!" I yelled up at him and he responded by spitting on my shoes, twat.

"Who do you think you are?" He lent down and stared me down, I sat up so I was in line with his face.

Matthew laughed at me, his friends laughing behind him. I gathered as much saliva in my mouth that I could before I spat it all out onto Matthew's stupid face.

He closed his eyes, his face squashed up and used his sleeve to wipe the spit off his face slowly before opening his eyes and giving me a glare saying he was going to murder the living shit out of me. I hate my life.

I didn't have time to think, I got up and ran as fast as I could, Matthew chasing after me with fury in his eyes while yelling at me about how he's going to kill me.

We looked like mad men out of some stupid movie, we ran past a group of first years and they all looked like they were going to pass out there and then.

I ran around a corner and rushed into the canteen, big mistake. He followed closely behind me screaming at me, people stared and the whole room went silent, Matthew stood on the opposite side of the table from me and I froze. Shit.

Matthew climbed over the table and I ran for it, I ended up pushing some random first year over and his soup had spilled over some poor girl, Matthew stomped over the first year which I had pushed out the way and fallen over.

Matthew grabbed me and started throwing punches at my face to which I returned back to not only his face but stomach making him grip his stomach and cough winded, I took my chance to run for it. He soon caught up to me again and grabbed me making the both of us topple over, practically the whole school had seen this embarrassing childish fight, they crowded round us as we wriggled on the floor I was on top of him punching him over and over in the face, how I managed it I don't know myself.

In the end some poor lunch lady yelled and dragged me back, I fell to the floor sat there catching my breathe and wiping blood from my cheek blood and bruises covering my face. Matthew on the other hand lay there as the teacher checked him out, he was fine just catching his breathe like me.

As I got up I noticed Felix stood in the crowd of students, he stared at me chuckling to himself then looked me in the eye and looked away within seconds.
Still awkward...

I ended up with an after school detention, yay way to go!

Once I had gone back to the dorm Felix was already there smoking a cigarette with the window open,
"Didn't I say not to smoke in here?" I threw my bag on the floor running my fingers through my hair,
"And when did I ever listen to you?" He grinned at me and blew smoke my way.

I had an awful day and couldn't be bothered for this childish shit. I walked over to him and snatched the cigarette out his mouth,
"Hey?!" He got up within a flash grabbing my arm as I tried to throw it out the window,
"That's a new pack" he tried taking the cigarette back but I was slightly taller than him and took it to my advantage.

"You're a prick"
"I'm not your mirror Felix"
"How old are you again?" He wasn't impressed with my joke and attempted to kick me to try get the cigarette back,
"Older than you"
"Fuck off"
"I am"
"Your not"
"Yes I am" I teased and lifted the cigarette higher to which he pushed me against the door,
"Give it back!" I laughed in his face and he only got more annoyed, he punched me in my stomach causing me to drop the cigarette.

"You twat!" He yelled as the cigarette hit the floor,
"Five second rule?" I joked and he pushed me further against the door his face close to mine,
"Every fucking time" he poked my chest with his finger over and over.

"It's just a cigarette you addict" it was like adding paper to fire, he started to hit me over and over, I ended up grabbing his wrists and switching places with him so now his back was against the door instead of mine.

"Chill the fuck out" I said holding his wrists next to his head so he would stop punching me, in the end he finally gave up trying to free his hands and hit me/kick me.  Our faces were a lot  closer than I had realised, we stared at each other for way to long.

"All this over some cigarettes?" I chuckled and he death stared me, I decided to try tease him more while I had the chance.

I kept saying anything and everything that came to mind to try get him to talk but he stayed silent staring at me, it annoyed me but also freaked me out, he was never this calm by now he would've burst and tried to murder me.

"So what you're not going to talk?" I moved my face closer.

"What happened to the anger issue felix I know?"

Our faces were only an inch apart, I looked down at his lips then back at his eyes he stared back at me still no words escaping his lips. I'm not sure what was going through my mind but I leaned closer and joined our lips together, at first Felix wasn't sure and completely shocked but he soon deepened the kiss and that's what started it all, my grip on his wrists began to loosen until I let go completely. The kiss was warm and filled with lust, something I desperately wanted.

I placed my hands on felix's waist pulling him as close as possible our lips still joined, as we broke the kiss I nibbled on felix's bottom lip. we stood there making out for what felt like forever but also what felt like seconds.

Felix's pov:

He had me pinned in place, my back against the door while his head rested on my shoulder and his hands still holding onto my waist, not a word was spoken for minutes. Just us in each others embrace alone, it was comforting in an odd way, we had just kissed and none had any thoughts about it.

I felt his head turn towards my neck, I could feel his soft warm breathes hitting my neck sending shivers down my spine. He got closer and closer till the point where his lips were against the skin of my neck, he slowly started pressing light kisses on my neck then harder ones afterwards.

My face heated up and I felt like an oven as he continued and made his way up to my ear, sucking, kissing, marking; my neck every step of the way, was this pay back for last night?

He started sucking hard behind my ear, making my pants feel tighter and noises come from my mouth quiet but still audible, how embarrassing...

😱 lols I'm sorry for ending it like this 😥 but I did oop🤭🫢 I'm sorry this chapter is a bit short as well my bad 😞 BUT the next chapter will be longer and juicy 🫣😏😘

See you next time remember to leave a comment + like if you enjoyed <3

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