Chapter 4 puke :(

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Warning: contains alcohol abuse, violence, homophobia,

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Puke :(

Chapter 4

(Felix's pov)

Kenji sat on the floor gripping his stomach hard, I walked over to my bed not looking at him. Still pissed i wanted to turn the lights off and head to bed leaving him in pain on the floor, for the whole cold night.

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, the awkwardness lingering in the air. Dead silence, I wasn't sure what to do my mind was split. I either turned the lights off and went to bed completely ignoring kenji as he groaned in pain or I don't and help him. Why do I want to help him...

Now annoyed with myself I get up and stomp across the room to kenji, I stand in front of him he doesn't even glare up at me. I sigh and lent down in front of him, he finally looks at me. Anger in his eyes.

I grab at his hands pulling them apart as he yells at me.

"Leave me alone!" He spat at me, I laughed at him and put my hands under his arms lifting him up and slowly walking him across to his bed.

My patience ran out it was like walking an old lady across the road with pencil legs. I let go of him, as he started to fall to the floor I grabbed him and lifted him up walking over to his bed and throwing him down upon it.

The awkwardness from before only seemed to increase, at this moment I didn't know what to say.

"Now sleep" I gritted my teeth and felt embarrassed with myself.

What was that?! What's wrong with you?!

I walked over to my bed as quickly as possible and turned off the lights facing away from him to hide my embarrassment. Forcing my eyes closed, after about an hour I finally managed to fall asleep.

I don't know what's wrong with me.
Something came over me, why did I help him up.

I completely forgot about that situation and focused on my next problem, Matthew. God I hated Matthew's guts, the bastard was so cocky and a straight up douche bag.
Matthew was in my year, he was a football player one of the best other than me of course.

Yesterday after the game all of us were playing a drinking game it was a normal thing we did at parties since after about five minutes of dancing it was so boring half the people left after a drink or two. Don't blame them.

"Oh hey miya" Miya was such a pretty girl god what I'd do just to even kiss the girl.
"Wanna play a game with us" she smiled at me, god how I loved her smile it could light up a room.
"Yeah sure why not" I smiled and sat down next to Sam another boy on the football team and also a good friend of mine you could say.

Miya spun the empty bottle and it landed on me.
"Felix, truth or dare" she laughed, even her laugh was sweet...
"Truth" I replied taking a sip of alcohol
"God you're borin" she rolled her eyes and took a moment to think.
"Hmmm" she stared at me while she thought, I felt my face begin to heat up god how am I blushing over something so small as this. It was embarrassing.

"I heard your roommate is gay" she kept eye contact with me, the rest of the group was now staring at me as well.
I didn't reply, I mean I think he is by what happened the other day but who knows.
"Is it true? Is there a gay guy in our year?"
"That's a waste of a question miya" the girl next to her complained
"Yeah why do you care if the dudes gay or not?" Sam laughed taking a sip of his drink
"I mean he clearly is have you looked at him?" Matthew chucked.
"Omg what if he likes you" Matthew pointed at me a bottle of alcohol still in his hand and laughed.
"Omg he might" miya laughed along

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