Chapter 12: lovebite

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Enjoy my lovelies:

Chapter 12: lovebite

Felix's pov:

We sat so still it was almost like we were statues our breathing was so quiet it was barely audible, we sat there in that disgusting bathroom filled with embarrassing memories hoping that we wouldn't be found, after all our lives were at stake here who knows what will happen if they catch us.

Im not sure what to say to him after this or even how to face him, he invaded my privacy nosey twat and then caused me even more trouble, I'm screwed now I'd rather take a beating and get him the money then have him hunt me down to not only kill me and take my money but also to kill kenji.

For fucks sake kenji.

"I think they're gone"

I didn't reply I just sort of watched him, somehow he was still smiling even though our lives were at risk a few minutes ago.

"You alright?"

I snapped out of my thought, he stared at me with a questioning look waiting for me to answer.

"I'm fine, let's just get the fuck out of here"

We both got up slowly to try make as little noise as possible in case anyone was still around, we waited standing still to listen out for any noise, it was silent.

"They're gone let's g-"

As he spoke I could hear footsteps, his voice covered the noise but I could still just about hear it. I moved swiftly covering Kenji's mouth and grabbing his hand that lay around the door handle about to unlock the door, Kenji and I froze in place and listened out.

"They're gone"

Was heard in the room next door followed by,


We could hear their footsteps loud and clear as they walked by the bathroom and out the nearest exit, even though we knew they had left for good this time we still stayed frozen in place like statues.

My heart was pounding in my chest.

What am I going to do?

I felt a hand grasp my own causing me to pull my hand away and nearly slap kenji, he stood there with a stupid smile on his face moving my hand from his mouth and from his other hand, how embarrassing.

"You alright?"

I pushed his hand out the way and unlocked the door walking ahead, once we left the building we ran for it not daring to look back.

We snuck around the back of the gymnasium building and stopped to sit down catching our breathes, kenji sat on the floor while I stood bent over gripping my knees panting.

"Well that was an experience" kenji laughed trying to brighten the mood but it didn't really work, I wasn't in the mood for it.

"Im just glad my throat isn't cut open"

I stood up fully and put my hand in my pocket searching for my phone when kenji reached in his own pocket holding his hand out to me.


kenji stretched his hand out my phone in his hand, I snatched it from his within seconds of seeing it.


he didn't reply and laid on his back on the grass while I checked the time.

"The canteen opens in 10"

no reply again, I finally looked up from my phone to see him watching me.

"What did you do to those guys back there"

I hesitated "I- nevermind" I started to make my way back to our dorm leaving kenji sat on the floor, but not long later kenji caught up with me.

"Is it that bad you can't tell me" he nudged me like I was a friend of his, lately he seems to be getting to comfortable around me I don't like it, it's weird.

"It's none of your business"

He let out a small chuckle and let the subject go (thankfully) and we walked most of the way back in silence with the odd awkward conversation.


I open the door to our dorm and walk in kenji following behind me. I go to my bed sitting down and throwing my phone on my pillow grabbing at my face with my hands.

"What did they want from you exactly?"

I slowly lift my head to see Kenji taking his shirt off getting ready for the day, I look him up and down taking in the view before snapping out of it and looking at his face as he stares back at me his shirt in his hands.


I ask and he simply chuckles at me.

"Did you not listen to my question?"

He asks annoying me, what is he implying?
I sit up fully and stand up to get dressed myself, ignoring him completely and he chuckles again as he puts his shirt on.

As I take my shirt off and search for a clean one I hear him walk over to me, I look up to see him leaning against the wall looking down at me, I stand up and turn to face him fully.

"What do you want now?"

He doesn't reply instead he moves closer and grabs at my face pulling it towards him before lifting my chin and attaching his mouth to my neck sucking and licking gently.

"What the fuck?!"

I try push him but he leans on me putting his whole weight against me, as he begins to suck harder on my neck I can feel him smiling against my neck as he adds a very visible mark on my neck.

I push him again and he finally lets go of me and my neck, and gives me a stupid grin.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I push him again and go over to the mirror looking at my neck and the clear big mark on it, while kenji simply walks out the door closing it behind him not saying a word.


"Someone's been busy"

Jake chuckles and everyone on our table looks at me seeing the huge mark lay on my neck.

"Piss off jake" I grumble at him taking a seat and eating my breakfast

"Who is this mystery girl hm?"
"Yeah Felix, she seems to like your name doesn't she?"

My friends tease clearly not leaving the subject go, annoyed I don't reply trying to ignoring them and eat my food, I look around the canteen spotting kenji sat at a table with some Mia.

If they're dating why did he do that to my neck... I'm so confused.

"Who gave you the lovebite Felix?"

Matthew chuckles sitting down at the table with an energy drink in his hand, his words snap me out of thought.


They chuckle at me and Matthew replies,

"The hickey on your neck"

Lovebite? Does Kenji... no no never.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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