Part 12 (Haunted)

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3rd person POV

Y/n and Sunoo were in their own world , When the classroom door opened revealing Jake.

He looked confused at the sight, but made his way, beside Sunoo.


Me and Sunoo were so lost that we didn't notice someone entering, untill we heard someone clearing his throat

Jake: Sooo. What's up?
He said eyeing us

Sunoo: Jake hyung!!
Sunoo said closing the book which made me lean back in my own seat.

Y/N: Jake! How are you? And why are you late?
I said hoping this would help change the heavy environment.

Jake: oh uh.. yeah. I woke up late this morning because I slept at 2 am
Jake said scratching the back of his neck.

Sunoo: Why? Why were you up so late?
He said teasingly, leaning his face close to jake and wiggling his eyebrows at jake.

Jake: Shut up, I was just watching a movie.
He said as he pushed Sunoo's face away from him
Sunoo: Yah! You touch my face with disrespect!
Sunoo gave Jake a massive side eye, as he opened the front camera of his phone to examine his face

Jake: Do I look like I care?
Jake said teasingly.
And that's how their bickering started.

These two, I thought to myself.
Than I remember, Sunghoon was also here.
I looked in his direction. He was staring at his phone.

Y/N: Sunghoon?
I called his name, And he startled really badly and shove his phone inside his pocket.

Sunghoon: Yes?

Y/N: Where are others, aren't they planning to come?

Sunghoon: Ah yes, I just texted Wonyoung, she said she'll be here soon.
He said looking at me , Like I invaded his privacy

Y/N: Oh okay.
I said smiling.

The door opened revealing wonyoung.

Y/N: Wonyy!
I exclaimed and went to hug her.

Wonyoung: Y/n! Long time no see bestie. How are you?
She said as she hugged me back.

I was about to pull back from hug when I saw Chaewon, Heeseung, jay and Jungwon Enter in class.

They all went to back of class. Chaewon didn't even look in our direction.

I pulled back from hug and asked Wonyoung.

Y/n: Is Chaewon okay wony? And since when she started hanging out with heeseung, jay and Jungwon.

Wonyoung: Don't ask Y/n. You don't know her true colors, she's a snake. Who is beautiful on the outside and filled with venom from inside.

Y/n: Wonyoung! She is our friend what are you saying?

I was in disbelief by what Wonyoung said.

Y/n: I don't care , Im going to talk to her.

Wonyoung: At your own risk, I've warned you.
Wonyoung shrugged.

I shook my head in disbelief and made my way towards back of class , where they were sitting.

Y/N: Chaewon! Hii, how Are you?
I was kinda nervous, because of other three people.

Chaewon: Oh hi Y/n, I'm fine how are you?

I was dumbfounded because I was standing spreading my arms in a hug gesture but she answered me not moving an inch from her chair.

Y/n: Long time no see , How have you been?
I said nervously hanging my arms low.

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