Chapter 1 - The Problem

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The alarm clock went off, its sound ripping Eva Martins from the refuge of her dreams, though even in sleep, the torment didn't cease. She hesitated, her hand hovering over the clock, wondering if it was her imagination or the brutal reality she had to face every day. Today would be no different from the countless others she had endured at Valley Central High School.

Eva had just about had it with high school. she was done being bullied by that wretched Madison Stone.

The hallway echoed with the mocking laughter and sneering remarks that had become the soundtrack of Eva's high school life. Madison, fueled by cruelty and insecurity, took pleasure in tearing down everything Eva held dear.

"Eva, you think maybe if you got those spots removed from ur face, you'd still get laid? Well, think again," Madison jeered, a wicked smile twisting her lips.

"You have no friends. Nobody feels sorry for you. They always talk about you behind your back because they think you're ugly and annoying," Madison continued, the words cutting through Eva like a razor.

"Loser, Nerd," Madison taunted, her voice carrying a malicious edge that echoed down the corridor.

The barrage of insults continued, each remark a blow to Eva's already fragile self-esteem. Madison reveled in her sadistic power, using every opportunity to chip away at whatever semblance of confidence Eva managed to muster.

"No one likes you. You're a failure, and you're useless. You're not worthy of being loved, and no one will ever want you," Madison hissed, her words dripping with venom.

Eva felt a familiar knot tighten in her chest, the weight of Madison's words pressing down on her like an unrelenting force. The hallway seemed to close in, suffocating her with the harsh reality of her existence.

"You know what? It's not because your parents hate you. Everyone hates you. Even your friends, and they're all laughing behind your back. And I can't wait until you fail at everything you try, because you deserve it. You're pathetic. You know what? What friends? You don't have any friends. They're all just sick of you," Madison spat out, reveling in the pain she inflicted.

"Everyone knows how pathetic you are. Even when you try to do something productive with your life, people just laugh at you and point out all your mistakes. So you might as well just give up because no matter what you try, it's clear you'll always be a failure," Madison declared, the final blow leaving Eva shattered.

It was every day, and it was getting worse. Eva couldn't escape the torment, and the prospect of facing another day in that hellhole filled her with dread.

As she contemplated skipping school altogether, her sister's voice pierced through the haze of despair, a reminder that there was a world beyond the walls of Valley Central High, a world where maybe, just maybe, she could find solace.

It was every day, and getting worse. That fucking girl just wouldn't quit.

And now, Eva had decided that even if it was her alarm clock, she wasn't gonna have it anymore. she wasn't going back to Valley Central High school. It didn't matter what-

"Eva, Wake up. Please, we don't want to miss the bus."

Sarah was Eva's older and only other sibling, and while Eva loved Sarah to the moon, she could be an annoying pest sometimes.

"Seriously, Eva, I'm not having this. get up, we're going to school."

At this point, Eva was fully awake. She sat up, feeling a little warmth. Warmth mainly around her thighs. And then the panic seeped in, as she realized what happened, yet again.

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