6| love in the air

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(Isabella's POV)

  Narrator: Isabella wakes up and rolls over to see she is lying in Draco's arms. Isabella sees him moving and he looks at her. Draco says I love you My little angel. Isabella says I love you too my lonely eyes. Isabella thinks to herself Draco is holding me in his arms so close I could hear his steady heartbeat. He says I love you and with the whisper of I love you mixed with his morning breath. I heard the roar of a thousand promises. She never wants to leave his arms but she knows that they can't lie there in his bed forever.

  Good morning my lonely eyes. How did you sleep.

  Draco: I slept good but you know I always sleep better when I have you wrapped up in my arms. You know what I'm so glad that you are here because if I didn't have you here with me I would probably feel lonely and sad still. You are the love that came without warning. You had my heart before I could say no.

  Two damaged people trying to heal each other is love. That's are love story and always will be. We should probably get up and get ready for the day.

  Draco: We should or we could just stay here in my bed all day and just ignore the world around us. I mean do we really need to go to our classes today.

  Draco! You know we can't do that. It would be nice to stay here in your arms but we can't skip our classes. Especially on the first day. You need to let me go so I can get dressed.

  Draco: Oh here you go. Wait before you go.

Narrator: Draco places his hand on the back of her neck and pulls her into him and kisses her. It was a soft and passionate kiss. When he pulled away from her she smiled at him for a second before she lift his room. When she got to the common room Crabbe and Goyle greeted her with a good morning Izzy. She looked at them sitting on the couch. Isabella said Oh hey! Crabbe said so how did you sleep. You know what I mean. 

  You know Crabbe that nothing happened with Draco and me last night. We would never have sex with you and Goyle in the room. Also I'm not ready for that yet.

  Crabbe: That's good to hear but what I'm also hearing is that if we weren't in the room last night and you were ready you guys would have done it last night.

  That's not what I'm saying. You are putting words in my mouth. I I don't have time for this. I have to go get dressed. You're being an annoying asshole.

Narrator : Isabella walks out of the common room to her bedroom. She opens the door to her bedroom and walks into the room. She closes the door behind her and she stands there leaning against the door thinking of the conversation she just had with Crabbe and the nightmare she had again about her stepfather. She knew that Crabbe was right when he said that if him and Goyle weren't in the room last night she would have had sex with Draco. She wanted to have sex with him since last year but always felt like it wasn't what needed to happen yet. She also thought that if she had sex with him just because she wants it and doesn't wait until they're ready it would ruin their friendship. She is still worrying about the nightmare she had last night. She scared that the nightmare is trying to worn her to get away from her stepfather because he is going to try to do something to her that she doesn't want. She afraid that no matter how hard she tries to tell him no he's not going to listen to her. She says Isabella it's just a nightmare and it's not real. What you need to do right now is get dressed and go to breakfast. Stop worrying yourself about a stupid nightmare. She walks away from the door and to her luggage. She grabs the uniform out and puts it on. She goes to the bathroom and does her hair and brushes her teeth then she leaves the bathroom. She grabs her book bag and walks to the door and opens it then leaves the room. She walks through the common room. Before she gets to the door she is stopped by Draco.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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