An Explanation

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Dally's POV-

I couldn't sleep. Every time I tried my mind would just flash back to Kylie's beat up body. Anger pulsed through my veins but my face couldn't help but soften when I looked over at her asleep.

What was happening to me. I don't care about anyone. I don't need anyone. This was just some girl I helped.

I got up quickly but quietly so I wouldn't wake up Kylie. Why am I even thinking about that. I don't care if she wakes up. Do I? No. Maybe. I shut the door quietly on my way out. Not for Kylie, for the rest of the house, yea that's right Darry has work. That's why.

I needed to burn some of this steam off before I exploded. And just to my luck there was a car right next to me, Tim Shepard's car. Perfect, this guy has been pissing me off lately.
Kylie's POV-

I woke up with a start. Damn another nightmare. As I sat up I noticed everybody still sleeping. Didn't they have school? I know I for sure wasn't going. I looked over at the clock to see it was only 5am. I guess that makes sense.

There was no way I was going back to sleep so I decided to get up and make breakfast, again. After I was done I put a note on the counter and left.

As much as I didn't want to, I had to go back home, and let's just say it was a LONG walk. About an hour or two later I made it home. As I walked in the door I saw my dad was still passed out on the couch. I knew he would wake up soon so I got to work on breakfast right away.

As soon as I was done I heard grumbling from the couch. So I walked over and brought him his breakfast. He took it without saying anything. I waited for him to say something so I could leave but it's like he was frozen. I know I was. I slowly turned around to walk away when I heard his voice.

"She's gone."

I turned back around. "What?" I said quietly.

"She's gone. Your mother. She left me for someone else."

"Someone else?" I questioned.

"I walked in on her and another man. She tried to explain what she was doing, but I think the fact that they were both butt naked on top of each other explained it all. She-," then the creepiest thing happed, he started laughing, "She tried to stop me. You should've seen the look on her face when I was stabbing her little sex buddy. I bet she didn't think I'd go after her to." He sighed, "Boy was she wrong." He said as he stuffed a piece of bacon in his mouth.

I didn't even know I was crying until my tears fell off my face and onto the floor. He was a murderer. He killed my mom. My mom, the woman who has.. never done anything for me my entire life. Why was I crying? Oh right, because the murderer was right in front of me.

"What are you still doing here? Get lost! I don't wanna look at your face while I eat," he exclaimed, "Disgusting."

I gladly ran up to my room as nonchalantly as I could. I needed to get out of there. I was living with a murderer. A MURDERER. Oh gosh and I thought he was bad before. I grabbed a bag and shoved as much as I could into it before tossing
It out my window carefully. I took one last look at my room before hopping out the window myself. It's only been like a week, so I'm not too attached. After carefully climbing off my roof I grabbed my bag and left. I think I pulled some of my injury's a little more but I'd deal with that later. I didn't know where I'd go but I had to move fast, well as fast as I could with a broken body.

I walked to the other side of town towards the park when I found a little couch with news papers around it. I figured this would do for now. I sat my duffle bag down next to me and used it as a pillow as I looked up at the sky.

This was going to be my new life, and I don't know if I should be happy or sad. I could feel tears streaming down my face but I was too tired to try and stop them. So I let them fall, and not too long after, exhaustion took over and I fell asleep.
Pony's POV-

"Man. I can't believe Kylie went home. I hope she's doin okay." I said.

"Ya know how it is Pony. It's the same reason I go home." Johnny replied.

"Yea but it doesn't mean I have to like it, both of you guys don't deserve that crap."

Johnny just shrugged and we kept on walking.

After a little Johnny broke the silence,"So, you think Cherry's ganna be there?"

"I don't know Johnny, I sure hope not." I replied.

Me and Johnny were headed to the Nightly Double to watch a movie. Just the other day we ran into a girl named Cherry, I guess her and Dallas hit it off because she told me if she ever saw him again she'd fall in love. What kinda crap is that?

"Hey pony," Johnny said nudging my shoulder, "you see that?"

I look over to see someone sleeping on the old couch. Johnny usually crashes there, and I don't think I've seen anybody else lying on it. I start walking towards the couch motioning for Johnny to follow. The closer I got the more I recognized her. It was Kylie.

"Kylie?" I asked. Nothing. I tapped her shoulder again, "Hey, Kylie."

She shot up instantly.

"It's okay. Is just us." I said reassuringly.

It took her a second but she soon responded, "Hey Pony, hey Johnny. What're you guys doing here?"

"We're just headed to the Nightly Double, but why are you out here?" I asked.

"Ran from home." She responded quietly.

"He didn't hurt you again did he?" Johnny questioned as he looked her over.

She laughed a little, "I'm okay guys, really. It's just.. I found something out and I knew I had to get out of there."

I sent her a small smile when an idea popped in my head,"Do you want to go with us to the Nightly Double?"

"Umm. I don't know. What if someone steals my stuff?" She said nervously.

"We can stop by Pony's place and drop it off." Johnny added. I nodded my head agreeing.

"I don't want to intrude."

"Are ya kidding?! Everyone would love to see you again. You gave us all a scare with your note this morning." I told her.

"Yea sorry about that. It's just.. well I thought y'all would try to stop me." She said with her head low.

"Yea that's probably true." I replied.

Kylie looked up and smiled.

"We better get going if we want to see a movie." Jonny whispered to me.

Kylie got up and I helped her with her duffle bag. Then we started walking back towards my house.
I wonder if any of the gangs there?


(It's been a while, but someone gave me the encouragement to continue this story so now I'm back lol)

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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