15 | Seungcheol

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A million ways to apologize ran through my mind as I led Mitxy up the patio steps, "Your eomma has a lovely garden," Her voice is sweet. I look at her with a small smile as I knock on the red wooden door before opening it. I let Mitxy enter first, "Your eomma has a unique taste in decore," She says with a small smile. I nodded and let a small sigh leave my lips as I closed the door. I led her into the living room, where chatter could be heard.

My hand grasped Mitxy's as Aunt Sekyung sat with elegance radiating off her; Mitxy tensed beside me. "Seungcheol, what a surprise to see you here?" Aunt Sekyung spoke, faking a smile; I returned a tight smile. Mitxy smiles faintly, "Good morning, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Choi, how are you?" Her voice made the ball of nerves relax. Eomma smiled brightly as she stood up from the couch, pulling Mitxy into a small hug, "Oh, it's so great to see you again Mitxy; I'm doing fine as always." Eomma says with a smile as she brushes Mitxy's nose softly. Mitxy lets a small giggle leave her soft, pink-tinted lips, "That's good to hear," She says.

I smile as they have their small interaction before Aunt Sekyung clears her throat, "Everyone should be arriving soon," Aunt Sekyung speaks sternly as she gets up from the couch. I look at Eomma and Mitxy, who look uncomfortable with Aunt Sekyung's sudden change of heart; I squeeze Mitxy's hand softly. Aunt Sekyung seems to dislikes Mitxy; Aunt Sekyung never had a problem with Adeline. Why is it suddenly a problem with Mitxy?

I smile sadly at her before following Eomma to the backyard, "Oh wow, this is a very big backyard." Mitxy seemed speechless. Eomma's backyard garden was bigger than the front yard; it was like the Choi villa except with more florist scenery. I let go of Mitxy's hand as Eomma gives her a small tour of the garden, "I spend every morning and every afternoon caring for my garden," Eomma says with a smile as she shows Mitxy her rose bushes. "Mrs. Choi, it's gorgeous; I see you have sunflowers," Mitxy says excitedly. I smile softly as I watch them stroll through the garden; Eomma is smiling more.

Eomma has shown her adoration for Mitxy since Chan bragged about her to Eomma; I have never seen her this talkative with someone who isn't Stella. Maybe Eomma should have the opportunity to remain close to Mitxy, "Seungcheol you didn't tell me your Eomma loves flowers. I feel terrible for not bringing her a small gift at least," Mitxy says with a pout. I chuckle and shake my head, "My Eomma would find your company more of a gift than a vase of flowers." I said, tucking my hands in the pockets of my jeans.

Mitxy crosses her arms and tsks, "That's a cheesy thing to say, Mr. Choi." She says with a smirk. I shake my head and laugh; I lean against the doorframe. "A little heads up that it would be a garden breakfast could've been nice; I would've worn something else." She says, fiddling with the strings of her hoodie. Mitxy wore a dark brown turtle neck with a red checkered plaid skirt with black thigh highs. Her black Doc Martins adding more height than usual made her cute, "You look lovely; there's nothing wrong with your outfit." I said with a smile. Mitxy was perplexed, "Okay...where's Choi Seungcheol?" She asked. I furrowed my brows in confusion; Mitxy expressed disbelief and dazed.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a chuckle. Mitxy gulps softly. "You're being...awfully nice today." Her voice worried, and I stood up straight. "It's weird..." Her voice was soft; I bite my lip and let out a sigh. "Weird? In a good way or bad?" I asked. Mitxy shrugged. "It's difficult to tell if you're being genuine or not," She says with a sad smile; I nod in acknowledgment. "I see..." I let out, "Seungcheol, what a surprise. Oh, Mitxy great to see you again." Appa smiles as he walks past us, greeting Eomma and Aunt Sekyung, "We should join your Eomma and Appa while the other guests arrive," Mitxy speaks before I can say anything about last night.

I watch her join Eomma in setting the table while Aunt Sekyung is on an important phone call. My mind began to recite the apology I'd prepared; Uncle Eunho and Aunt Sekyung took spare looks at Mitxy. What are those two whispering about?

Eomma sets down the salad bowl, "Daebak, Yah Mirae the food looks nice." Uncle Eunho says. His grin was as fake as Aunt Sekyung's sincerity towards us; Mitxy smiled in endearment as Eomma placed small slices of radishes on her plate. "Thank you," Her voice...god it's the sweetest tone; it's filled with so much sincerity and pure kindness. "So Mitxy, what is it that you do for a living?" Aunt Sekyung begins her endless questions; Mitxy takes a small sip of the fresh strawberry lemonade Eomma always makes during these meals.

"I'm a Phlebotomist technician. I've been doing it for three years already," Mitxy says with a grin, her tone proving that she loves her job. Aunt Sekyung didn't utter a word as she sipped her wine, "A medical profession, how lovely. What about your hobbies?" She asked, looking at Mitxy with clasped hands. Uncle Eunho seemed impressed by Mitxy, "Oh my hobbies? Well, I'm currently working all my time, but I'm in a book club, and I like to learn new recipes to cook in my free time." Mitxy says with a smile. Aunt Sekyung had a blank stare as she waited for something else, "That's all? Well, your life sounds...normal." Aunt Sekyung was disappointed.

Eomma holds Mitxy's hand and smiles, "Well, I think her normal life is perfect for Seungcheol's busy lifestyle, don't you think, yeobo?" Eomma asked Appa with a big grin. "If Seungcheol is happy, then it's perfect. If Mitxy is happy, there's no need to worry about it being a normal life. Right Eunho?" Appa asked with a smile, looking at Uncle Eunho with a slight smirk. Aunt Sekyung looked irritated by my Eomma and Appa's encouraging words, Mitxy let out a small sigh and smiled. I bite my lip and look at Aunt Sekyung, "Auntie, don't you think it's important that I'm settling down rather than being a problem." I said.

Mitxy's brown eyes met mine, "You're right, it is a good thing. I'd rather see news of a wedding from my nephew than scandals about you sleeping with Adeline." Aunt Sekyung smirks as she sips her wine. Mitxy looks down at her plate, "Sekyung...Don't worry Mitxy; Seungcheol seems to have calmed down since you two began dating." Eomma says with a small laugh. Mitxy giggles as she sips on her lemonade; I smile. "Well, I think Mitxy is living a great life. Honestly, I find her normal life peaceful." I said with a smile; Mitxy had a small smile.

Aunt Sekyung gets up, excusing herself to answer a phone call. Uncle Eunho follows behind her, "Don't mind Sekyung Mitxy; she's just a bit uptight. Seungcheol, I hope you let her come over whenever she likes." Eomma says with a smile. Mitxy nods and chuckles, "Thank you, Mrs. Choi. I appreciate all the encouragement." She says. I look at my phone seeing a text from my assistant about Mingyu wanting to have a meet-up with Lee.

"Seungcheol..." Eomma says. I look at her, and Mitxy frowns as I put my phone down. "I'm sorry, Eomma," I say. She nods in acknowledgment, and Mitxy begins to thank Eomma and Appa for breakfast. "I really enjoyed the food, Mrs. Choi; it was lovely to see you and Mr. Choi again." Mitxy says with a sad smile. Eomma pulls her into a hug. "I'm so glad to see you again Mitxy," Eomma says. I look at Appa, "Don't apologize for being busy son; business is business and important." He says with a small smile.

"Mirae I hope you don't mind, but Adeline was in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by." Aunt Sekyung says; Mitxy freezes and looks at me. "Seungcheol..." Eomma says with worry as she walks over to Mitxy. I look at Aunt Sekyung and Adeline. My jaw clenched at the sight of red hair and green eyes, "Hello, Seungcheol," Her voice sent shivers down my spine. The ones that made your skin crawl. I looked at Aunt Sekyung, who had a smirk on her red lipstick-stained lips.

"Mrs. Choi, thank you for having me over, but I should get going. I have a shift at the clinic this afternoon," Mitxy smiled as she hugged Eomma one last time before excusing herself. Eomma turns her gaze to me. I nodded and smiled softly. "Thank you, Eomma; I have to go now," I say, hugging her before walking past Aunt Sekyung and Adeline. I see Mitxy walking out the front door. "Seungcheol, we have to talk." Adeline says as her hand grabs my arm, I look at her. "See you around, Aunt Sekyung," I said, pulling my arm out of Adeline's grip. I rushed out the front door.

"Mitxy," I called out as she walked down the steps, "What?" Her voice was filled with annoyance. I look at her; she looks tired and annoyed. "I'm sorry.." I said; judging from the look on her face, she didn't expect to hear that. Mitxy uncrossed her arms, "What?" She asked. Her phone goes off before I could repeat what I said. Mitxy answers the phone call; I bite my lip and run my hand over my hair. "Seungcheol, I need to get to the clinic. Can you take me there?" She asked. I looked at her for a minute, trying to silence my mind. I nodded, "Yeah, let's go." I said. Mitxy forced a smile as I opened the car door for her, "Thank you." She says.

I close the door and let a sigh escape my lips, every opportunity I have ends up interrupted.

IN THE EYES OF LOVE: Book 1 (Choi Seungcheol)Where stories live. Discover now