16| Souvenir

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I bite my lip as I rush inside the hospital and spot Suzy and Wonwoo; they have distressed looks on their faces. I look at Seungcheol, "Thank you for dropping me off. You may leave now." I said. Seungcheol raised his brow in confusion; I let a small sigh leave my lips. "You don't need to accompany me to work," I said. Suzy called out my name.

I look at her as she rushes over, "Dr. Park wants you to do this lab; he won't let me or Jihoon do it." Suzy says with worry in her voice. A sigh escapes my lips as I look at Seungcheol; Dr. Park's panicked voice forces me to rush to him. "Mitxy! We need you now! It's urgent!" Dr. Park blurs out; he looks freaked out. I look at Wonwoo and Suzy, unsure of what is happening, "Give me five seconds to get into scrubs; Seungcheol, you should go." I said, walking past Wonwoo and heading straight to my office.

I closed the door only for it to be opened and shut again; I turned around to see Seungcheol had followed me into the office. "What are you doing? I have work to do," I stated as I tossed my bag and cell phone on the desk. I walked to the closet and removed my shirt, "What are you doing?" Seungcheol asked. I glanced at him. His back was faced towards me, "Getting into scrubs," I said, stating the obvious.

I let a sigh leave my lips as I tied my tennis shoes, "Look, Seungcheol, there is no reason for you to be here when I finished doing my part of the deal. Now, please go back to Adeline and stop bugging me." I said, grabbing my lab coat and leaving the office. I didn't want to hear him say anything; I bit my lip and hurried down the hallway.

I walk to the room where Suzy and Jihoon stand; I look at them. Screams and shouting could be heard, "Mitxy...be careful, please...this patient isn't-" I smiled at Jihoon. "It's okay, I'll be okay," I said, opening the door. Suzy let out a sigh. I see Dr. Park assembling the needle, Yeonjun and San are trying to control the patient. A middle-aged woman was crying hopelessly; I looked at the three police officers who stood by the window watching. I slip on blue gloves and walk to the patient, "Suki, Suki Chwe. I understand that this is a lot, but we were hoping you could cooperate with us. Please, I only want to take a small sample of blood from you to make sure there's nothing wrong." I said.

The patient was enraged and continued to fight off Yeonjun and San; Dr. Park handed me the tourniquet and needle. I gently tie the tourniquet around the patient's arm; Yeonjun is holding an IV in hand. I look at him, "Suki, you will feel a little sting, okay, but I promise it will only last for a second." I said. San removes the cap off the needle before handing it to me; I look at the patient kicking Dr. Park. "Get away! I don't want it! Eomma! I don't want it!" She cried, "Honey, you need it; it will help us find out what's wrong," The middle-aged woman said with tears.

"On three, there will a be a sting," I said as I punctured the vein slowly. A pitched scream filled the room. San handed me the test tubes, and I began to collect the specimen; San removed the tourniquet. I hover the gauze over the needle before removing the needle, "We're done, no more." I said. Yeonjun was preparing the IV; I handed Dr. Park the tubes and used the needle. I remove the gloves, and Yeonjun lets out a gasp. It was all too fast. I lifted my hand in defense, and a sharp pain went through my hand. "SUKI!!" The middle-aged woman sobbed, and the police officers intervened, holding the patient down and restraining her to the bed. San pulls away from the patient, "Oh god, are you okay?" San asked as he looked at my bloody hands.

I look at them with a small smile, "I'll be fine. Just help the patient." I said. Dr. Park rushes over to the patient with a needle; San opens the door for me. I stepped out only to hear gasps; Jihoon and Suzy were shocked. "Come on, let's get you wrapped up," Jihoon says as he pulls me to follow him. Suzy panicked, "This is bad; Dr. Park should've let me or Jihoon do it." She says. The pain was tolerable; the patient did open the old wound from the birthday night.

"I'm okay; it just needs disinfectant and a wrap," I said. Jihoon scoffs and drags me into the laboratory, and Wonwoo turns around in his seat. "What happened?" He asked, his voice stern, and Jihoon grabbed my hands and placed them under the faucet. A wince escapes my lips as Jihoon pours alcohol to disinfect the wound; Wonwoo was grabbing who knows what he is doing. I looked at the wound; the patient jabbed the IV needle right where I had accidentally cut my palm with glass.

"Wonwoo, she'll need stitches," Jihoon says as he grabs a cloth and applies pressure to stop the bleeding. Jihoon pulls me towards Wonwoo as he sets up the table with a cloth. Wonwoo grabs my wrist gently, "You'll only need three stitches. Good thing the patient didn't drag the sharp object down your palm." He says, pouring some strange yellow liquid. "How do you know all this?" I asked; Jihoon sighed as he sat with Suzy. "I was a surgeon before diagnostics," Wonwoo says as he begins to stitch the wound; whatever he poured made the wounded area numb to the pain.

I watch him stitch the wound gently with no struggle, "I don't know what Dr. Park was thinking," Jihoon says, I look at him. "It wouldn't make a difference, you or Suzy could've gotten hurt as well," I said with a frown. Suzy sighed as she rolled her eyes and rubbed her arms, "Seungcheol is in your office by the way." Suzy says. I adverted my eyes from them, I wondered what he wants now.

IN THE EYES OF LOVE: Book 1 (Choi Seungcheol)Where stories live. Discover now