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Moonlight Serenade : Ella Fitzgerald
Khelia Rodriguez. | 11:23pm

"What a pleasure it is to see you here." I hear Lucian say and i stopped walking, I can just sense his grin from behind me.

"How lovely it is to see you again Mr.Ricci." I said to Lucian turning to face him and looking at him displease on my face. "What are you here to be a bitch or be decent i can't tell anymore." I said looking up at him blinking.

This isn't the time for this.

"I was thinking the first option but for you i'll be nice." Lucian said grinning at her. "Isn't that so manly and thoughtful of you." I said eyeing him with disgust. "So did you come here with anyone or did you want to be strong and independent again." He said with enthusiasm. "Oh how i wish i could slap you right about now." I said in a sarcastic dreamy tone. "And what about you, isn't Bianca supposed to be drooling all over you? or is she a last season type thing."

"A hundred percent last season." He said quickly answering that question. It looks like even the thought of her put him on edge.

This could be amazing punishment in the future.

"So i see you're looking for your table to you need any help or?" He said walking around me to the left side of me. I've always been know for hating when I need help from someone else, I've always wanted to do things by myself that's just how I am, Luciano knew this so he found this fun, really fun.

"Oh and where's Michael? He isn't here to kiss your feet this time? or did you finally get a restraining order on him?" Lucian said smiling down at me. I scoffed and looked around me in the ballroom, more people were flooding in and more people began drinking. I took a glass of champagne of a waiters tray and took a deep sip, then and looked up at him. "Look if you're here to be a waste of space i suggest you go harass some other poor lady like you usually do." I said dismissing him whilst putting my drink down.

"What!? can't i mingle with my all time favourite? by the way you look beautiful, as always. And you smell even better." He said leaning down beside my face with a sheepish smile. I looked directly at him with a straight face before throwing my head back sighing.

"You're not tired of me already are you?" He said smiling. "Im trying my best not to hurt you, admire my self control." I said answering quickly with a sweet smile, his smile slowly started to drop. As I said that, the light in the ballroom began to dim, it was that time of the night.

It was time to dance.

Luciano looked straight at me with a sly smirk on his stupid face, I looked up at him furrowing my eyebrows in confusion wondering why he was looking at me with such an ugly face until I realised.

"Absolutely not." I said shaking her head. "Oh we have to." He said with a smile as he came closer to me. "No way." I said seriously.

"Way." Lucian said cutting me off i just stared at him, you would think he was a teenage boy because of the way he acts. He slowly took my left hand in his, I couldn't really feel it with my glove on but it still felt, nice? I have no idea why i didn't push him and run off, for some reason i liked the feeling.


I put one hand on his shoulder and the as he put his hand on her waist I stiffened a little because his hand was cold. Something about this felt odd and I didn't like not knowing what I was feeling, God forbid it's what i think it is.

We began swaying to the calm jazz music playing. He looked down at me, into my eyes, I turned my head to look at everyone else in the room either dancing or sitting quietly at their designated table sipping champagne, i'm not one to challenge someone with eye contact that's something i'll always lose.

But this felt nice for some reason, having him this close to me, I could never sit here and lie before God and say he didn't look good, and i wish i was lying.

His slick backed hair with a small piece out on his forehead, the way his muscles showed through his suit not to much though, his lips looked so soft and his cologne was so strong but so lovely and the way his eyes shone-

Let me remain focused.

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