The stage and small break

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A few minutes later we stand waiting patiently until we walk on stage all the fans are screaming and calling out our names I smile and glance at Anakin who is standing next to me dang Anakin looks good when the stage light's shinning on him :) I stand next to Paul as he starts singing and I spot his wife Nancy from a distance even though I'm on stage she's a few rows away sitting next to her is Anakin's wife Buddy even though me, Paul, Nancy and Anakin are friends Nancy and Buddy don't really like each other Anyway.
Paul started on his 3 song of the night already? I thought man I zone out so quickly not really I just start talking then I kinda forget where I am Anyway moving on I stood there listening while Anakin walked back and forth on the stage fans called out his name and I saw him smile which made me smile until I heard a familiar song start to play that song was here today
I pause I listen closely to the lyrics I once read a story that here today wasn't just for john lennon but also Paul's first wife linda I watch as Paul blinks back the tears making my eyes fill with tears to I blink and shake my head I notice Anakin is doing the same thing we both join in at The last line ooh ooh Here today we all sing the crowd cheers Paul looks at me I ask you wanna a break? He nods I walk over and take the microphone and say we are talking a quick break I set the microphone down and we all walk back stage were Paul
Sits on the couch and starts crying I walk over and hug him and kiss his tear stained face Shh I whisper Shh Anakin jumps on the couch and starts licking Paul's face good boy Annie I say nuzzle Anakin nuzzle Paul's check with his nose and keeps licking him this has never happened before never ever happened a minute later Nancy comes in hello she says to me hello I say and nod in Paul's direction she walks over and sits next to him and comforts him while I watch from a small distance i normally help Nancy and Anakin comfort Paul but not today I then get my video camera and turn so my back is facing the couch where Paul is sitting I hope he doesn't notice me when I start filming I mutter...Well to bad he does the second I turn the camera he whimpers and Nancy says don't start filming now she says I roll my eyes and say fine but after this concert ends I'm filming even if Paul still has a tear stained face Nancy growls and says don't talk about my man that way.
Anyway a few minutes later were back on stage Nancy back in the audience and my camera back in it's case the show soon ends and we walk outside back to the car to take us to the hotel the paparazzi follow us outside cameras flashing as usual Nancy slightly nudges Paul forward keeping him in front of her we soon get in the car I get the camera out of it's case turn it on and say
Hey guys Paige here quick update the concert was awesome you the fans are awesome being a Nerdfighter is awesome Everything about you guys is awesome and French the llama it was great Anyway we are heading back to the hotel it's very late but surprisingly I'm not tired because I had chocolate earlier so now I'm hyper so yea I love you guys all so much thanks for likening our videos and subscribing we love you guys Paul, Nancy, Anakin and buddy say bye guys I whisper bye guys they all yell DFTBA Anakin says yes Anakin I say DFTBA John and hank I'll see you tomorrow :)


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