Planes or teleporters?

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Good morning john and hank last night wasn't fun because Paul kept getting sick and Nancy and me had to keep getting up to help him calm down Anakin kept whimpering because he wanted to help but I told him not to so he's mad at me now not fun and I'm super tired and we are heading home today Nancy's snuggling with Paul now and we are switching off of who takes care of him and I'm waiting for my turn I then went to take a nap because I'm really tired I'll see you in a little bit.

Hey guys I'm back so now I'm checking on Paul while Nancy sleeps the reason we are switching is because every time someone gets sick Anakin or buddy or sassy go to comfort them right now Paul's laying on his side allowing sassy to perform DPT or Deep Pressure therapy on his chest i let sassy do this because it kinda does help the pain I watch Paul jump up and dash to the bathroom sassy up I say sassy gets up and i watch her dash after him john and hank you might think it's weird that I would send sassy into the bathroom with Paul like that. But truth be told Anakin, buddy, sassy and even one of Anakin's offspring was trained to alert to vomiting, fainting, seizures and coughing and even asthma and other stuff the reason I send them into the bathroom when someone pukes it's to stay there and wait until that person is ok or also to alert the spouse or to go grab there phone incase of emergency this time it's seems like alert friend instead of spouse I head in and set the camera down by the sink and go and comfort him then once Paul's finished he brushes his teeth and heads back to bed sassy gets up and does DPT again while Paul strokes her I can tell it's calming him. Hey I say as I walk over to him you feeling any better no he whimpers and winces in pain aww babe I'm sorry I kiss his forehead and go And get some cold rags for his neck and forehead to try to get his temperature lower so yea.
Awhile later we all are all deciding whether we should take a flight home or use our teleporters
Fast foreword a hour later
We eventually decided on teleporters because it was faster and because me and Nancy didn't feel like being in the cramped airplane bathroom with Paul for the whole flight.
Now we are home and just as I expected Paul dashed to the bathroom the second we got home he really wasn't feeling well sassy followed him telling Nancy she needed a break and that she would take care of Paul for awhile thanks sassy your awesome anyway. While Paul was resting I said hi to everyone and watched YouTube on the big tv in the living room thinking about how great that Paul and his band were able to go to a place where I've been before but not with just him, his band and Nancy I smiled as I watched Vlogbrothers and hank's songs and then I had some food and helped Nancy take care of Paul the rest of the day Anyways John and hank it's getting really late and I gotta go to bed see you guys tomorrow DFTBA :)

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