Arc 4 - 7 The Promised Dawn

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A/N: I'll focus on the girls' POV considering how little information there is about them. Well, I don't think it was different with the boys.

Chiaki would be the primary for now. She's one of the most flexible members, be it in combat or observation. Her role won't be like the repetitive Kikyou and her magic, or Kei and her constant monitoring. Within Deadhead Watching Keep, I think I'll also incorporate Suzune's POV, and, of course, Kiyotaka the leading man.

And please tell me, whether immediately or later at the end of the chapter, whether my decision to go straight for the promised dawn is rushing things or not.


"You're okay, Kei?" I asked my teammate.

She was fidgeting around with a slightly tense look beside me.

We had gathered in front of the north gate at the promised time for the raid. The lighting was still dark due to the time before dawn. Regardless, the darkness was bustling with the excited shouts of volunteer soldiers, frontier soldiers, and Alterna residents who had not only come to see the departure of the assault troops but also used the opportunity to conduct impromptu business among others.

"She's probably just nervous," Kiyotaka stated.

"Hah!" Kanji laughed it off. "Wimpy!"

Kei quickly snapped. "Shut up! You're trembling as well, don't hide it!"

"I-I'm not! Wait, how'd you even know that?!"

"It's pretty obvious," Suzune sparsely joined the conversation, sighing as she said that.

The frontier soldiers were at the front as the primary aggressors. As soldiers, they were better disciplined. Whenever there were other soldiers out of line, for example, they would be immediately scolded. Compared to them, the volunteer soldiers were a shambles. They were left to their own devices. And from the looks of it, the frontier soldiers look down on them.

That being said, there are a number of figures among the volunteer soldiers that the frontier soldiers can't afford to overlook.

The Wild Angels, a female-only clan, gave off a wild aura much like their name. It was very domineering. Each of their members wore at least one white furry gear on their bodies. They intimidated any man who tried to get close to them. Their leader, Kajiko, had a mature, experienced look, and a feral composure.

Then there was a party, only a party, that could equalize that domineering vibe with the Wild Angels. Renji-kun, wasn't it?

He was a man with silver hair and a rough but not wild appearance. From his equipment, he should be a warrior. Same with the cropped-haired guy squatting beside him with a thick sword on his back. The man with glasses was definitely a mage. The woman in the revealing dress was a thief. And the little girl (?) was a priest. They all had prominent but not tasteless equipment and seemed to be of equally high quality.

Even Kajiko... -san was attracted by the aura he gave off. She sent a hard look to Renji-kun for a while, which the man ignored. That was impressive. Her gaze was extremely piercing and could be easily perceived. Renji-kun must have done that on purpose.

And then us. Or maybe Kiyotaka-kun.

Because of his low presence, it took a while before the volunteer soldiers and frontier soldiers noticed him.

Kiyotaka-kun once brought the head of the Death Spots himself into Alterna. It was the volunteer soldiers' working hours, but for the frontier soldiers, it must've been still strong on their minds. Although the volunteer soldiers only knew that fact later from the words of the crowd, there's a matter of Kiyotaka teaming with the Spearhead clan, which becomes an uproar again.

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