Part 2

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Jayden: I show when you carry me a walk 

Kathy: Yesterday you were in diapers and now you're graduating junior high you're growing up and I can't believe you're going to Rome for two weeks all by yourself without me without me there with you without me with you there you there without me 

Jonne'a: Mom I think that's about all the combinations of those words you can can make 

Izzy: Jonne'a this is a big day for you sweetheart 

Jonne'a: Ugh he's going to quote a dead guy 

Izzy: William Shakepeare once wrote be not afraid of greatness some reporting great some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them 

Jonne'a: Thanks Izzy but I'm just trying to get through graduation greatness can wait till this nightmare is over Hey Chase so do I look okay 

Chase: Jonne'a I'm your guy best friend you should really talk to sRuks about this stuff 

Jonne'a: But she's in Mexico City 

Chase: Yes your blue robe looks way cooler than all the other girls 

Jonne'a: Thanks 

Kristina: Oh my god only you would think that you could hide that powder blue puffy sleeve it's kind of a peasant dress but it might just be a baggy disaster of questionable fiber content that you wore to the spring dance 

Jonne'a: I- gasps 

Kristina: Jonne'a Mcguire you are an outfit repeater 

Jonne'a: But I maybe I'm an outfit repeater but you're an outfit remember which is just as pathetic okay does she does she not have anything better to do than make my life miserable I mean we used to be best friends 

Chase: Yeah but that was before she became popular 

Mr. Escobar: Mcguire 

Jonne'a: Hey Mr. Escober nice aftershave 

Mr. Escober: Oh thank you Margarat Chan either has Ebola or a very bad cold in any event you're up 

Jonne'a: Up where? 

Mr. Escober: At the podium you're going to deliver the class president's speech 

Jonne'a: What about the Vice president 

Mr. Escober: Well he's not graduating the secretary treasure is next in line 

Jonne'a: All I did was handle petty cash 

Mr. Escober: Well I'm sorry but you're not buying your way out of this now I want you to deliver your speech with as much pride and commitment as Margaret Chan would even though you know Margaret Chan you know Margaret Chan you know Margaret Chan 

Jonne'a: Run 

Guy: Ladies and gentlemen ah Jonne'a Mcuire 

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