Part 31

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Jonne'a: Oh my god what are you doing here 

Chase: That's that's not important right now you need to listen to me 

Jonne'a: Of course it's important I feel so bad I cannot believe that you would do that for me wait a minute why aren't you gone 

Chase: It's a long story 

Jonne'a: Okay well I want to hear all about it but I've got to go get my dress on okay 

Chase: Jonne'a listen to me Ryland is setting you up 

Jonne'a: What are you talking about

Mary-Kate: Actually he's setting me up 

Chase: Freaky huh

Jonne'a: Way freaky 

Mary-Kate: Way way freaky 

Chase: That whole story about Ryland doing his own music and going solo that's Mary-Kate she's the one that sings live 

Mary-Kate: Sei Ryland is the one that lip syncs not me 

Chase: Mary-Kate is the one that wants to quit the act Ryland is just a liar this is all been some crazy scheme to set you up and embarrass you on stage so it looks like Mary-Kate can't sing 

Mary-Kate: Sei sei It's true 

Chase: Ryland wants to destroy Mary-Kate's career 

Jonne'a: But Ryland would never do that to me I don't believe you 

Mary-Kate: Jonne'a who are you going to believe this boy you known your whole life or this boy you are just meeting who says you shine with the light from the sun 

Jonne'a: Okay well then you're here now so go and sing 

Mary-Kate: But I am not brunette Ryland will know that it's me and make an excuse to leave  but if you want to get back at him in front of the whole world on live TV we must make him sing and really sing not lip sync 

Jonne'a: But how what am I supposed to do I can't sing live 

Mary-Kate: Change change change your clothes and go there and do what you wears okay everything will be fine I I promise I have a plan 

Jonne'a: What plan?

Chase: So what's the plan 

Mary-Kate: I don't know 

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