Part 12

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Jayden: I don't know what catastrophe is going to happen in Rome but with Jonne'a there something will 

Melina: And what precisely are you going to do with that information just give it away like you did with the graduation video 

Jayden: Hey she was really freaked out by that 

Melina: And you have what to show for it 

Jayden: The pride of a job well done 

Melina: Try buying a Ps2 with the pride of a job well done Jayden Jayden Jayden we've been over this before cash up front 

Kathy: Melina are you staying for dinner 

Melina: I'd love to miss Mcguire 

Kathy: Great 

Melina: We'll need extra energy to work on our summer reading list 

Kathy: Well in that case I'll make some brownies 

Melina: I've said it before you're weak weak do anything without consulting me first 

Jayden: She rocks 

Jonne'a: Hey Ryland can I ask you something 

Ryland: Secretina 

Jonne'a: I know that our lives are a little different actually like several universes different but doesn't your friend Sergei ever get tired of following us around everywhere 

Ryland: Actually Sergei is my bodyguard so you see between me and Sergei you'll always be safe 

Jonne'a: Wow how famous do you have to be before you need a bodyguard Ryland go it's Miss, Ungermeyer it's our bus go go go 

Ryland I cannot 

Chase: Excuse me Miss. Ungermeyer didn't we just pass the Casto Santrua 

Miss. Ungermeyer: Yep what about it?

Chase: Well I just noticed that it's not on our itinerary 

Miss. Ungermeyer: That is correct 

Chase: Well it shouldn't be it be I mean it was a powerful residence and it does contain frescos from rtist influenced by the school of Raphael 

Miss. Ungermeyer: What are you up to Gordon 

Chase: Nothing I just figured that while in Rome you should be exposed to as much Renaissance raptor light work typified by kyotoskoro and helenic mythical imagery as humanly possible 

Jonne'a: Phew  

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