Part 25

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Izzy: Hey what you got there little man 

Jayden: Nothing 

Izzy: What's this?

Jayden: That's not Jonne'a no 

Kathy: Yes, it is

Jayden: No it isn't 

Kathy: I know my daughter I gave her that necklace 

Izzy: Alright tell me what you know that I don't 

Jayden: It's only 14-hour flight Izzy 

Miss. Ungermeyer: Alright people swallow just got it we got a big day the pantheon the Coliseum halt gotta get these apricots to Mcguire she looks sick as a dog this morning Gordon you having a problem 

Chase: No no I just I'm starting to agree with Ross I think we need to eat more spaghetti 

Ross: You the man 

Chase: Sorry 

Miss. Ungermeyer: Gordon is there a reason you don't want me to go upstairs 

Chase: No I just really think we should get going so much Roma so little timer 

Miss. Ungermeyer: Well you know when I get upstairs and I will get upstairs I expect to find Miss Mcguire in her bed 

Chase: Well you know she maybe in the bathroom or something 

Miss. Ungermeyer: You know I'm begining to get the feeling she was never sick to begin with 

Chase: No no no she she was you know 

Miss. Ungermeyer: You know I bet this whole thing was just a clever use to sneak out of this hotel wasn't it 

Chase: Yeah it was 

Miss. Ungermeyer: It was 

Chase: Jonne'a and I were talking about adventures and I don't know 

Miss. Ungermeyer: Spit it out Gordon 

Chase: Jonne'a's upstairs it's me I'm the one who's been sneaking out 

Miss. Ungermeyer: You

Chase: It feels good to get it off my chest 

Miss. Ungermeyer: You realize what this means 

Chase: I shouldn't look to you for a college recommendation 

Miss. Ungermeyer: You should look for your suitcase Gordon you're going home oh I pegged you right from the start Chase Gordon sneaky little brown noser with a hidden agenda now you're busted 

Ross: Love lifts us up where we belong 

Jonne'a: Wow this place is so cool 

Ryland: Sei  

Jonne'a: Are you sure it's okay that we're here 

Ryland: Sei 

Jonne'a: And here is where exactly 

Ryland: Is the rehearsal hall but the Coliseum will look more like this Sergei 

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