Part 9

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Jonne'a: What's the word for yes in Italian Si no I'm

Chase: No it's okay I can cover for it

Jonne'a: I'm sorry I'm here with my school so I can't

Ryland: I'm sorry If I embarrassed you it's just that some people when they come to Rome they want to find adventure

Jonne'a: Oh it's okay I got some cool cheese did you just say cool cheese what

Sergei: Ryland we must go

Ryland: Jonne'a if you change your mind I will meet you tomorrow morning at the Trevi Fountain at 9:00

Miss. Ungermeyer: Hey Gordon did you not hear me say head check 15:16 who are you?

Ryland Ryland Valisari

Miss. Ungermeyer: Put your money in your front pockets

Ryland: She makes me very scared

Chase: Join the club

Jonne'a: What does that mean

Ryland: We will see each other kisses her hand

Jonne'a: Hey you know this Ryland and Mary-Kate city isn't so bad I mean if you're into the Atlantis more city alternative dark like brooding I never gone to the sunshine in my life's miserable black hole of depression kind of thing then you think they stink but I mean for like driving around in the car with the top down putting on your lip gloss loving life kind of thing they're good here listen

Chase: Not bad you scented soap huh

Jonne'a: What?

Chase: Never mind

Jonne'a: So Ryland wants me to meet him at the Trevy Fountain tomorrow

Chase: So go

Jonne'a: But that would mean I would have to sneak away from the group

Chase: So

Jonne'a: So I'm like physically incapable of sneaking

Chase: Jonne'a weren't you the one that said that you were gonna have adventures on this trip

Jonne'a: Yeah we we were going to have adventures

Chase: And we will it just so happens you have dibs on the first one

Jonne'a: Okay just as long as we don't do anything that would get us tossed on a plane home by Miss. Ungermeyer

Chase: Jonne'a are you feeling okay

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