Part 14

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Jonne'a: Wait Mary-Kate lip syncs

Ryland: Please please please please you must promise me you'll speak of this to no one and imagine what would happen to Mary-Kate's career 

Jonne'a: Aww oh that's so sweet you still care about her you're definitely broken up right 

Ryland: Sei so when I saw you yesterday and I saw her all those people thought you're Mary-Kate I got my crazy idea that maybe you could pretend to be Mary-Kate for one night and present the award with me on stage 

Jonne'a: Present an award on stage in front of an audience I'm really not good in front of crowds I could never do that 

Ryland: Of course you can do it you are magnetical 

Jonne'a: I don't know Italian but I know what that means I don't know Ryland 

Ryland: Don't worry Karina I could never ask you to do this crazy thing 

Jonne'a: No you know what you don't have to ask if this is gonna help you and Mary-Kate then I'll do it 

Ryland: Gracias 

Jonne'a: Prego 

Miss. Upgermeyer: Snoring and check 

Jonne'a: Chase Chase Chase 

Chase: You Jonne'a Mcguire are actually presenting an award at the IMVAs with Ryland 

Jonne'a: No me Mary-Kate with Ryland 

Chase: What?

Jonne'a: It's a long story but I'm doing it because the real Mary-Kate won't 

Chase: You're actually gonna get up on stage in front of all these people 

Jonne'a: Well that's the great thing about it Chase it's not gonna be me it's Ryland's idea to help Mary-Kate because he stills loves her but not romantically like a sister he's so amazing and he's 17 I mean for being so famous and so used to getting everything that you want he's just he's just so kind 

Chase: For real that's a lot to say about someone just knowing them a day 

Jonne'a: I know that but I feel like I've known him my whole life you know anyway I just wanted to come by today and thank you I mean I had the most magical day of my life and it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you mwah 

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